Outed an LEO (CSI)


New member
I work at a liquor store part time and always carried concealed. This past Fall, on a quiet, rainy night this local guy, who I know is a CSI with Barnstable County Sheriff's Office, walks in wearing 5.11 Tactical Pants and a Red Sox pullover and a Glock on his hip. As he walks up to the counter with his six pack of Bud Light, I ring him up and casually ask, what kind of Glock are ya wearin'? Suddenly the look of "oh crap" comes over his face and he quickly zips down the side zipper on his pullover in order to cover the weapon and says, "It's a Glock 19". To which I say to him, "I always wear my Glock 30 when I leave the house." He says, "Ya know, I wish the dept would let us carry .45's." So we chat for about 5 minutes, he tells me about a fatal accident he had to investigate that evening and then went along his way. The six of Bud Light was probably a good way to relax after an evening of taking photos at a grizzly accident scene.

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Next time you see him you might tell him you are glad to know he's got your back, and vice versa. That might make him feel a whole lot better about you knowing that he carries.
Next time you see him you might tell him you are glad to know he's got your back, and vice versa. That might make him feel a whole lot better about you knowing that he carries.

I don't like to leave long rambling posts and could've tried to recount every detail of our conversation and all prior and subsequent conversations from the many visits he's made to the store (as I stated, I already knew he was CSI).......but believe me, he knows I support his and fellow LEO's efforts 100%. The store is about a half mile from the main gate of a Military Post and we get many Military folks in uniform that stop in and I always say, "Thank you for your service." I grew up in the military, son of a USAF pilot, who rose throught the ranks to achieve rank of Full Colonel. I'm very cognizent of what service to ones Country and Community entails.
