Carry permits
Personally, I believe that carry permits are like ammo - there is no such thing as having too much! If you can afford to get them from other states, by all means do so! Besides, that all goes into the demographics, you know - all those nasty little numbers regarding who WANTS these nice little laws, who are nice little 'law abiding citizens', etc.
But, as a former LEO, I can tell you this much - if the addresses do NOT match, you are in for a rough time. You might not end up in prison, but you will spend a couple of bad hours (days?) and there is the possibility of you losing your weapon. Purely by accident, of course!! "I do not know how it happened, sir, but we can't find your pistol anywhere!! So sorry!" Or getting it back months later (years?) in terrible condition. It HAS happened, it WILL happen again. There will always be that kind of cop out there, who has to bully or steal or what-have-you. I'm sorry, but it is the truth.
Get the permits! Make sure the addresses match. And MIND YOUR TONGUE when you get stopped or are in an accident. Be nice. No matter what, be nice. And don't give them a reason to take your piece out of your sight.