Other new toy


New member
Well I am at it again. I just pick up this slightly used Sig Mosquito. Could not pass this deal up and, I have been wanting one. Got it for just $200.00 came with all the goodies and the Sig cast. What do you think?

Well I am at it again. I just pick up this slightly used Sig Mosquito. Could not pass this deal up and, I have been wanting one. Got it for just $200.00 came with all the goodies and the Sig cast. What do you think?


Sounds like a deal to me.
Well I am at it again. I just pick up this slightly used Sig Mosquito. Could not pass this deal up and, I have been wanting one. Got it for just $200.00 came with all the goodies and the Sig cast. What do you think?


Does this mean you're going to change your handle from KimberRB to SigMosquitoMan?

Seriously, though, nice pistol, and an even nicer deal. Where'd you get it?
I pick it up at Fin Feather and Fur in Ashland Ohio. If you are in that area any time they have the best prices on guns any where around here.
Thats a nice pistol and from what I've read and heard a great shooter.

You know my Suppressor would look SWEET on the gun! hint hint. lol

Oh and the stainless ruger has a nice upgrade also!
You guys need to slow down on buying guns. You are making me jealous and I might just have to get another one.
You guys need to slow down on buying guns. You are making me jealous and I might just have to get another one.

Lol. I guess if you're going to be a junky be a gun junky. Oh and HK I think you need to go buy a new gun! lol
KimberPB I know it would so why don’t you just send it to me. Just doing my part to keep the economy going LOL.
Well HK it’s a good thing I did not post a picture of the SS Mart III I pick up at the same time then.

By the way, KimberRB, what kind of accessories do you plan on dressing up your new toy with? Also, what kind of holster will you be getting for it?
I have an uncle mikes holster that will fit the Mosquito and don’t know about the Mark III but they are not going to be a carry guns so a holster is not a big deal at this point. I am going to put a Red Dot on both and change the Mosquito so I can put a can on it as soon as I can get the paper work done.
I have an uncle mikes holster that will fit the Mosquito and don’t know about the Mark III but they are not going to be a carry guns so a holster is not a big deal at this point. I am going to put a Red Dot on both and change the Mosquito so I can put a can on it as soon as I can get the paper work done.

A can? Is this is slang term for suppressors?