Oregon law allows concealed handguns but universities don't


Staff member
Teresa Lucas has a permit to carry a concealed gun, but she doesn't carry it on campus at Western Oregon University.

"If somebody went out of their way to get a concealed carry permit, then they went through the safety training, they know guns are a tool like anything else," she said. "You need to know them in and out and know you need to be safe and be responsible."

TJ Nettles disagrees. He was studying nearby when another Western student who had a license to carry a concealed weapon was arrested for having a gun in a public building.

"Didn't pull the gun, didn't shoot anybody," he said, "but when i found out about it and what happened and it was just 30 feet away from me and I didn't even know about it, I was just in shock."

Oregon representatives Kim Thatcher and Bruce Hanna think the state's university system goes around the law, prohibiting even legal guns on campus.

In a letter to the colleges and universities they say "we are concerned about the rights of legal gun owners throughout our state and hope the universtiy system will seek to remove any administrative rules or other policies which infringe on those rights."

At Western Oregon University, even campus security isn't allowed to carry weapons.

Student Austin Karp-Evans thinks maybe they should.

"If campus security went through extensive training and they had guns, maybe," he said. "But just for the general public to have a license and bring it on campus? I don't think that's right."

Lucas agrees with the security issue. But she thinks anyone who follows state law shouldn't be considered a criminal.

"They want to be lawful," she said. "That's why they get a concealed carry permit, because they want to carry a weapon and do it lawfully."

Source: Link Removed
I am trying to remember what my dad calls universities, something like Liberal Indoctrrination Sites.

Something like that.
Administrative Rules allows unelected special interest to make law. Totally unconstitutional. The Oregon voters had a chance to get rid of this several years ago. Most of the voters in this state live in Portland and too many of them drink the kool-aid.
Now we are stuck with it. :angry:
Sorry this is off topic, but why is your name Jason97496? Shouldn't it be 97426 if you're in Cottage Grove? :offtopic:
Amen...we need to use our power

Not necessarily. The Oregon AG has stated that OUS's rules are unlawful. The OFF is currently helping sue the pants off them over the WOU debacle.

Take the fight to this law breaking locations, make them pay..And I mean literally...
When we use attorney's and hit them where it hurts..then we win.
Go after them for civil rights violations like DOJ does to cops who club and innocent.

Make them face the hard and heavy music for blatant violations of the law...

sick our mean dogs on their rumps, till the leave us alone.

I have been pushing the cutting edge us of law for 2nd amendment purposes...Look what worked for special interest groups, civil rights groups, victim advocacy groups and political parties...now we need to take the fight to ANYONE standing in our way of our RIGHTS...

Joe Gerace
Administrative Rules allows unelected special interest to make law. Totally unconstitutional. The Oregon voters had a chance to get rid of this several years ago. Most of the voters in this state live in Portland and too many of them drink the kool-aid.
Now we are stuck with it. :angry:

Actually, only cities and counties, under ORS 166.173, may create regulations regarding loaded firearms. Municipalities, districts, etc. are not included in this, making public universities technically unable to make statutes, ordinances, etc. against the carry. Even then, 166.173 preempts CHL holders.

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