Ordered to ground at gunpoint for open carrying by cleveland heights ohio police

Why open carry?

Here in North Carolina OC is perfectly legal also, but for the life of me I can't understand why somebody would want to walk around with a handgun strapped on their hip openly exposed. For once I agree with the Iceman on something. When you open carry all your doing is inviting some little old lady to go into cardiac arrest, or some local yokel uneducated LEO to slam you face down... I will continue to carry concealed and avoid all of the headaches of OC. :pleasantry:
Here in North Carolina OC is perfectly legal also, but for the life of me I can't understand why somebody would want to walk around with a handgun strapped on their hip openly exposed. For once I agree with the Iceman on something. When you open carry all your doing is inviting some little old lady to go into cardiac arrest, or some local yokel uneducated LEO to slam you face down... I will continue to carry concealed and avoid all of the headaches of OC. :pleasantry:

This is why I think it's more of an individual freedom. You have a choice of how you want to carry your firearm, and you're choosing to conceal it. However, some would argue the virtues of open carry and would choose to carry their beliefs on their hip. People should have a choose if it's a personal freedom.

A similar analogy would be racism and the freedom of speech. While you may not agree with the message, you would agree that people should be able to speak freely.
Open carry is legal in NC and I do just that. But, when in certain areas I simply cover it to avoid any problems. I often get comments like-I am going to start carrying also, what are you wearing, have mine also, glad to see you wearing it. There are also negative comments--you are a Christian and wear a gun(I refer them to Lk 23 and Neh), why are you carrying a gun, are you afraid, or just suspicious looks. Have gone to a Makarov for size and weight. Next week will be picking up a Sig 380 232. It will be my main carry-openly.
I have a queston, CA is an open carry state so long as the bullets or in a magazine or pocket (Barney Fife) and the gun on the hip is empty an no rounds are in the chamber. If gun on hip is empty it is no more than a club, so with no bullets in gun (club), why cannot you carry the empty gun under a coat or light jacket, or does this fall under some CA law about concealed rocks or clubs???
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but for the life of me I can't understand why somebody would want to walk around with a handgun strapped on their hip openly exposed.

and it doesn't matter how many rational arguments or positive reasons we give you for open carry, you still will never understand why because you are incapable of opening your mind to accept rational reasons.

For instance this one:
Link Removed

I would rather deter a crime from happening in the first place, then defend myself against it. Open carry is deterrence, concealed carry is defense.

And these (page 31):

Fact: Every day, 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fired.

Fact: 60% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. 40% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.

Fact: Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot.
The facts never detert the ill informed, wait for the LEO to show up and outline your body with chalk, never ever help with your weapon, let them wait for the police to show up, avoid any possibility of risking your life or the life of a family member for anyone who wants to wait for LEO. Between the civil and criminal liability it is not worth the risk. I really think those who chose to wait for LEO should accept whatever happens. Gosh I hope this does not quailify as a bad response.
Here in North Carolina OC is perfectly legal also, but for the life of me I can't understand why somebody would want to walk around with a handgun strapped on their hip openly exposed. For once I agree with the Iceman on something. When you open carry all your doing is inviting some little old lady to go into cardiac arrest, or some local yokel uneducated LEO to slam you face down... I will continue to carry concealed and avoid all of the headaches of OC. :pleasantry:

I OC quite often if everyday from sunup to bed time qualifies as often, and I have not once had a problem with sending little ole ladies in to cardiac arrest or LEO's.

I am always suprised at the response OC draws from the CC crowd. What you want is politically correct carry, as per your definition.

I have one question; do you support my right to open carry as I support your right to OC or CC as YOU wish to carry?

OC in No. Carolina (or anywhere)

To "NavyLt" and ".45acp"; I spoke my piece on the "open carry issue" and I stand by it. I have a permit that allows me to conceal carry, and I do from the time I get up until bedtime. Because of the reasons I stated I don't OC. If you want too, fine by me, but like I said; For the life of me I don't know or understand why someone would want too... :yu:
As many have stated and I agree I have no desire to OC. However, I do believe the issue to be one of the right to "bear" or to carry a firearm. In most states you must spend money in order to reach the point where you can carry concealed. The right to bear or carry should be free and the way for any and all law abiding citizens to do this in any stsate in the union should be OC. Until any law abiding citizen can OC in any state the word "bear" in the 2 amendment is being infringed.
As many have stated and I agree I have no desire to OC. However, I do believe the issue to be one of the right to "bear" or to carry a firearm. In most states you must spend money in order to reach the point where you can carry concealed. The right to bear or carry should be free and the way for any and all law abiding citizens to do this in any stsate in the union should be OC. Until any law abiding citizen can OC in any state the word "bear" in the 2 amendment is being infringed.

I think that is an excellent thought. Since Kalifornia wants to outlaw OC (albeit with an unloaded gun), then the Justice system must (if it is to follow the Constitution) force legalized Concealed Carry for all. In order to follow the Constitution, "bear arms" must be followed. I personally don't care whether it is Open Carry or Concealed Carry.
The film was blacked out after he went to the ground when I tried to see it. From what I heard, however, it seems like this gentleman was looking for a confrontation with the police. Personally, I see no reason to carry my weapon openly. This does not present a macho image for the carrier nor do I see a reason to show off my weapon just for the hell of it. When this occured, the man deliberately turned his camera to face the policeman and seemingly instigate the incident. If that was his intent, he got what he deserved. In this day and time, being a policeman is difficult enough in dealing with criminals and maybe he felt justified in putting him on the ground. I don't know what he looked like (how he was dressed) but maybe that caused the policeman to be cautious. Some of the conversation I heard from the police was blatantly incorrect however I would not take the chance of being shot just to argue. Reference to the police as "Gestapo" I think is unfair. They were at least trying to do their job. Give them a break but take your film to the police department for their review. Are you going to refer to them as "Gestapo" when you have a real emergency requiring their presence?:biggrin:
in this day and age you need to accept the response of those who do not agree or understand. JMO


I most vehemently disagree! There is no need to accept actions of poilice officers violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans ESPECIALLY at gunpoint!, regardless of what those police officers agree with or understand. John Hancock stated that it was the citizen's DUTY to stand up AGAINST a government that did not respect the rights of the citizen, and I fully agree with him.
I most vehemently disagree! There is no need to accept actions of poilice officers violating the 4th amendment rights of Americans ESPECIALLY at gunpoint!, regardless of what those police officers agree with or understand. John Hancock stated that it was the citizen's DUTY to stand up AGAINST a government that did not respect the rights of the citizen, and I fully agree with him.

Absolutely, the role of the LEO is to enforce laws...NOT thier opinions.

We have a real problem when cops are allowed to make up or "enforce" thier opinions......

The film was blacked out after he went to the ground when I tried to see it. From what I heard, however, it seems like this gentleman was looking for a confrontation with the police. Personally, I see no reason to carry my weapon openly. This does not present a macho image for the carrier nor do I see a reason to show off my weapon just for the hell of it. When this occured, the man deliberately turned his camera to face the policeman and seemingly instigate the incident. If that was his intent, he got what he deserved. In this day and time, being a policeman is difficult enough in dealing with criminals and maybe he felt justified in putting him on the ground. I don't know what he looked like (how he was dressed) but maybe that caused the policeman to be cautious. Some of the conversation I heard from the police was blatantly incorrect however I would not take the chance of being shot just to argue. Reference to the police as "Gestapo" I think is unfair. They were at least trying to do their job. Give them a break but take your film to the police department for their review. Are you going to refer to them as "Gestapo" when you have a real emergency requiring their presence?:biggrin:

So what I gather fromyour post is that you don't support the 2nd Ammendment

You don't support the 1rst Ammendment (You know that pesky freedom of speech thingy)

And you don't support the 4th Ammendment agianst unreasonable search

Tell me amigo.....just what parts of the Consistution do you support?

You evidently support the police enforcing thier opinions.....

As 45acp has stated the constitution clarifies my GOD given rights to free speach to self protection to freedom from oppression. Like arizona and new hampshire,, or one of those states up there in yankeedom, they have the intellectual freedom to know that the "right to bear arms' is that a right, an unalienable right ie noone can take it away from me, so they passed constitutional carry which mean i have the ability to carry open or conceeld as the mood suites me. To charge exuberant fee's to allow me to carry conceeled, is a form of taxation,, by the way i wasnt consulted on this so its with out equal representation, think thats in the constitution somplace also, and a way of INFRINGING on my right cause some people dont have the money to do all they require to obtain said permit. A right regulated/delayed is a right denied..Wonder how fast those police officerswho enforce their OPINIONS would have a hissyfit if we even thought about doing to them what they do yo us????
Steve, I am a supporter of the Constitution and its amendments, especially the Second Amendment. I have carried weapons all my life and have been licensed in several states. I have owned (and still do) many guns in my life and will continue to do so. I will not, however, try to instigate a confrontation on the street with a police officer just to prove a point. I am not a fashion policeman but a persons appearance on the street does have an effect on how you view them. That and his demeanor should give rise to caution in a situation where he is openly displaying a firearm. This man could have been a psycho for all the policeman knew. Maybe you should join a ride along group with your local police department to get the view from their side of the fence. There can be horse's rear ends on a police force and, conversely, there are a great many in the civilian populace. I will do everything I can to protect my rights under the Second Amendment but I refuse to act stupidly and have a confrontation with a police officer and possibly get shot. There is an old saying, "Discretion is the better part of valor." I will keep my rights to carry my weapon but my battle for that right will be done with civility and not through a confrontation that will make me look like a horse's rear end as well as other like minded people. Also, I am a firm supporter of law enforcement personnel and had a little law enforcement training myself about 50 years ago. If they make a mistake, I will not hesitate to make an issue of it but in a civilized manner. I have a daughter and son-in-law out in your part of the country and he is one of those law enforcement officers who have had a bounty placed on their heads by the Mexican cartel so I am keenly interested in everything to do with the Second Amendment.:biggrin:
the cops come off so stupid in that clip it makes me sick. also, the guy in the video so blatently instigates the confrontation that it takes away from the real issue here. save the 2nd ammendment
The cops come off so stupid in that clip it makes me sick. Also, the guy in the video so blatantly instigates the confrontation that it takes away from the real issue here: save the 2nd amendment.


(Although corrected for spelling..... sorry, couldn't resist!)

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