Ops... I was Made!


New member
For the first time, since I received my permit a year ago, I received the "Are you carrying a gun!" question! Here's what happened.

It was after church last night and some of the young adults (19 -26) and a couple of the older youth (18 -19) were hanging out playing pool and talking. Well, I reached over to grab a piece of paper for one of the other girls there and must have stretched just enough for another girl to see part of my Kimber. I got a gasp then "Are you carrying a gun?" I laughed and said what? You must have seen my cell phone. One of the other guys, that’s been looking into getting his permit, helped me play it off. So with a confused look on face (the I know I saw a gun but maybe it was a cell phone) she dropped it. I called her after she left and explained everything and she seem fine with it. Just wanted to make sure she know I was legal and didn't start asking others about it.

Just thought I'd share!

I think you handled it fine. It depends on the kind of person I suppose. If it was someone I thought was stable, semi-trustworthy, etc, I think I'd just say no worries, I have a permit and I carry for personal protection. People tend to take their cue from how you act a lot of times. What did you tell her after the fact?
WHEW! Close one eh?

Although what we are doing is perfectly fine, it does feel uncomfortable when you're confronted like that. I usually say, "it's not what you think!" Of course, I have no idea what they're actually thinking but it "shines it off".

I'm always apprehensive around church. I guess it's because I would expect that if the leadership found out, I would be asked not to carry there... maybe not, but I don't want to find out. ;)
Here in Texas churches are off limits for CHL's to carry. However for it to be binding the church has to have signs posted at all doors or someone standing at the doors to notify everyone that enters that it is prohibited. Needless to say most churches do not do this. I always carry when at church. A deranged man killed several people at one of the churches in Fort Worth back in the late 90's.
I think you handled it fine. It depends on the kind of person I suppose. If it was someone I thought was stable, semi-trustworthy, etc, I think I'd just say no worries, I have a permit and I carry for personal protection. People tend to take their cue from how you act a lot of times. What did you tell her after the fact?

Ya I normally would have just been up front about it but in this scenario there were others there that didn't see it and don't know that I carry. So I decided to play it off and talk to her later. Didn't know how the other would respond so decided to keep it low key.

After I told her she was a little surprised cause she was not aware there was such a thing as CCW/CWP. So I explained to her what it all involves and why I carry. After that she seemed fine with it. Even invited her to the range and told you once she turned 21 if she was interested in getting her permit I could point her in the right direction.

All in all I think it worked out quiet well.
WHEW! Close one eh?

Although what we are doing is perfectly fine, it does feel uncomfortable when you're confronted like that. I usually say, "it's not what you think!" Of course, I have no idea what they're actually thinking but it "shines it off".

I'm always apprehensive around church. I guess it's because I would expect that if the leadership found out, I would be asked not to carry there... maybe not, but I don't want to find out. ;)

You hit the nail on the head! When she gasped I instantly knew before she even said anything. Like you said "what we are doing is perfectly fine" but the first thought that crossed into my mind was "Crap I was caught! I didn't do my job!"

I wasn't to worried about it getting back to the pastor because he also has his CWP. Actually, I think almost all the staff has one.
Sounds like the situation was handled well. As in Texas, Missouri has a restriction on carrying in church. Unless the pastor has given you permission to do so.
I'm glad it all worked out well for you. Sounds like to handled the situation the best way you could have.
Thanks guys!

Thanks guys!

She called me again last night asking more info on why I carry and how to get a CWP. She still has another year or two before she can get hers but It's sounding like she is interested.
All in all it seems to have been handled well.

Thank GOD she was'nt a "DRAMA QUEEN" or that could have turned ugly real fast.

What were you wearing? and type of holster for your pistol and what position? Just curious ;) I have a Crossbreed super tuck, and carry a full size 1911.
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All in all it seems to have been handled well.

Thank GOD she was'nt a "DRAMA QUEEN" or that could have turned ugly real fast.

What were you wearing? and type of holster for your pistol and what position? Just curious ;) I have a Crossbreed super tuck, and carry a full size 1911.

I carry a Kimber Ultra Carry II IWB 2 to 3 o'clock in Comp-tac's Infidel holster. That night I had a pair of cargo pants and a black straight cut button down shirt untucked. That shirt is a little shorter then most I have when I dress untucked.

Out of curiosity, when I got home that night I stood in front of the mirror leaning and stretching to see how much was exposed. Only the holster clip and a small amount of the slide and grip showed. Considering most people are oblivious to such things I'm very surprised she noticed!
Considering most people are oblivious to such things I'm very surprised she noticed!

Agreed, based on what style you have I'm suprised too.

Well look on the bright side, at least it did'nt just fall out of the holster in the middle of a mall :eek:, like happened to a member on another fourm.:rolleyes:
Agreed, based on what style you have I'm suprised too.

Well look on the bright side, at least it did'nt just fall out of the holster in the middle of a mall :eek:, like happened to a member on another fourm.:rolleyes:

:eek: lol that would have been a site to see! Poor guy!

But agreed all in all it worked out well and who knows we may end up with one more added to the ranks once she turns 21!
I guess I don't worry about my gun showing, though I try to keep it that way some times my shirt will hike up as when getting out of a car Most everybody around where I live knows I am a P. I. and a Bounty Hunter.... And it seems like People here In Oklahoma don't much have a hissy fit when they see some one with a gun..........I know technically its against the law to have your firearm exposed, but The Police here are pretty lenient when it comes to that, depending on how you are perceived by them.......I.E. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...............its a duck
What about the guy next to you in the public bath room stall? Or when trying on new cloths at the store? I once left a cell phone in a pennys bathroom and it was returned to me before I got very far. They watch .

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