Opinions please


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Here is the deal, I'm very interested in gettin me a Glock 37 (.45GAP), however, according to a lot of forums read......people have a bad taste in their mouth about this gun. I personally like the thought of a .45 in a .40 caliber frame, and I really like this gun. Now I know it's all personal preference, but I guess my concern is the future of the .45GAP ammo. I just would like some opinions from people that have experience with this gun.
Let me say this. I worked in a gun shop part time. The shops in our area.... you might find a box of 45 GAP on a shelf, maybe not. The Distributors I talked to would yawn and quickly change the subject, when you mention the GAP cartridge or guns. Frankly, it was an idea that allowed you to put a 45 caliber cartridge in a 9mm or 40 cal frame gun, and have "close" to a 45 ACP performance. In other words you get the power of a Glock 21 in the frame size of a Glock 17 or 22. OK, I understand. But the problem I see is that it's a high pressure cartridge, just like the 40, and the recoil is snappy. More than the 40 or the 45 ACP. They dropped the bullet weight to make it faster, and have to cram fast burning powders into a small cartridge case to make it perform anywhere near the 45 Auto, that they were trying to match.

"My Opinion", is why waste your time and money. Buy a 45 or a 40. The ammo selection is much better and certainly more plentiful. The gun selection is also. I talked to a Glock rep about Glock comming out with a single column - full sized pistol, that was slimmer than the G21 and held say 9 or 10 rounds in the single column mag. It would be a slimmer, easier to handle version of the Glock in 45 ACP. He said they had discussed this, but Gaston Glock wanted a company proprietory cartridge with the name GLOCK, like for instance, the 357 Sig. And that is the ONLY reason they came out with it and marketed it as a new alternative to the 45 ACP with a slimmer, trimmer frame. Does it work, probably, but why go through the hassle of buying mags, ammo, etc, that are limited to only a few guns, and ammo that is as hard to locate as teeth on a chicken. The State Park Rangers here, carry them on duty, and constantly gripe about the lack of ammo, the high price of it when you find it, and lack of accesories for the Glock GAP pistols. Just my opinion.
I am afraid it might end up being about as easy to find as the Bren 10. With 9mm, 40cal 45ACP and 357 Sig available it may be a case of filling a need that doesn't exist.
I agree with these guys! Sage advice. The 45 GAP is going the way of the Dodo. Remember the Dodo? That's what I thought. :no:
One more no vote.... If you need small there are a heap of sub compact .45's out there, but I carry a full sized HK USP all the time and have never had any issues.... stick with ACP....
I agree with these guys! Sage advice. The 45 GAP is going the way of the Dodo. Remember the Dodo? That's what I thought. :no:

Yeah, That's a Bird that used to land on Fred Flintstones car every now and then. :biggrin: I would have said "The Edsel", but Dodo works.:laugh:
I agree. I've only come across .45 GAP at one location I frequent.

I recently purchased a Kahr CW45 so I could comfortably carry a .45 in an IWB. No Glock GAP pistol for me, thank you.

I'll keep my Glock 31, but for my .45 carry needs, it's Kahr all the way.:triniti:
I'm a small person, 5'4"& 150lbs. I carry a Para P12 & like the fact that I have full power capabilities. I could carry something bigger, but would have a heck of a time keeping it concealed.
Opinions are like AZZholes, everyone has one and most stink! But in this case these guys are right, why buy a weapon that will make it very difficult to find ammo to shoot it? This to most of us is a no brainer
My wife and I each own a Glock G-37 and G-38 in .45GAP and I also have a G-39. We shoot them in GSSF and TSA as well as some 3-Gun matches . I also own a G-21SF and G-30SF in .45ACP but prefer to carry our G-38's.Out of the 14 Glocks we own the .45GAP in both the G-37 and G-38 are the most accurate pistols we own. My G-39 is my CCW pistol for summertime carry with a +1 floorplate it holds 7 in the magazine and 1 in the chamber of Winchester 230 T-series JHP which is the same as my 1911,but in a much smaller and easier to conceal package. Recoil is subjective and is different for each person but also having shot .40S&W in Glock G-22,G-23,and G-27 we both agree that the .45GAP is much softer shooting and it is more of a shove straight back into your hand and not as snappy and quick as our .40S&W's.The .45ACP operates at 21000 PSI with self defense loads, the .45GAP operates at 23000 PSI with the same bullet. We shoot three to four GSSF matches a year as well as four to six TSA and a few IDPA matches and try to attend at least one defensive handgun/carbine class each year. Reloading for the GAP is also simple as you use the same dies,bullets and powders as the .45ACP. I buy most of our factory ammo online in case lots and have had no problem getting it at comparable prices too .45ACP. Sportsman's Guide - Discount Hunting Gear, Discount Hunting Boots, Discount Shoes, Discount Ammunition, Discount Ammo, Discount Boots, Military Surplus, Outdoor Gear at The Sportsman's Guide Federal,Winchester,Speer,Cor-Bon, Magtech all make ammo for the GAP. For those of us with smaller hands it's easier to shoot and handle a 9mm/.40 size frame gun that has the added performance of a 45. Go to a range that rents both calibers and shoot them side by side before you make your decision. What you find out might just pleasantly surprise you!
I'd have to say no. Especially if you intend to carry and keep proficient with it. If its just something to have...then why not.
The only calibers in my home are the most common. .45ACP, 9mm, .357, 7.62x39, 30.06, 12ga, and of course .22long rifle. I since have sold the .357, would like to get rid of the 9mm too.

Never even considered one single odd ball cartridge. Not one. I have no safe queens or wall hangers and don't plan on any.

I'm trying to figure out a way to pare it down further but the 7.62x39 is handy in close and the 30.06 is just the thing for way out there. The 12ga is handy anytime and the .22 is. . . . well why not have one and who doesn't have a 1911 in .45ACP.

But who the h-e-double hockey sticks has a 45GAP or .357sig for that matter. Even the .40 is a stretch unless your on a PD that uses it.

In a SHTF scenario, what do you do when there is no 45GAP to be found. Why have a firearm that is a liability. Personal preference for brand aside.

In a desperate situation, the gun in my hand is my favorite. But as for preference, I choose a 1911 in .45ACP.
I am afraid it might end up being about as easy to find as the Bren 10. With 9mm, 40cal 45ACP and 357 Sig available it may be a case of filling a need that doesn't exist.

Let's not forget that with Obama in office, it'll probably get even more difficult to find and even more expensive. All GAP owners might as well learn how to start reloading now and save their brass!
.45 GAP isn't going anywhere. People said the 10mm Auto cartridge would become extinct. It hasn't yet and in fact has a loyal following of enthusiasts.

Just fyi, there is said to be at least 23 law enforcement agencies that have adopted the .45 GAP so far. Here are 16 of those agencies.

Burden Police Department (KS) Glock 37
Denver Police Department (CO) Glock 37, 38 & 39
Fulton County SWAT Team (GA)
Georgia State Patrol (GA) Glock 37
Evansville, Vanderburg County Sheriff (IN) Glock 37 & 38
Greenville Police Department (NC) Glock 37
Huntington Park, PD. (CA) Issued Glock 37's
Louisiana Office of State Parks (LA)
Madison Police Department (AL) Glock 37 & 38
New York State Police (NY) 5,400 Glock 37's to replacing current Glock 17's.
Pennsylvania State Police (PA)
Piedmont Triad International Airport Police (NC)
Powell Police Department (WY)
Reed City Police Department (MI) Glock 37
Sanford Police Department (NC) Glock 37
South Carolina Highway Patrol (SC)
.45 GAP isn't going anywhere. People said the 10mm Auto cartridge would become extinct. It hasn't yet and in fact has a loyal following of enthusiasts.

Just fyi, there is said to be at least 23 law enforcement agencies that have adopted the .45 GAP so far. Here are 16 of those agencies.

Burden Police Department (KS) Glock 37
Denver Police Department (CO) Glock 37, 38 & 39
Fulton County SWAT Team (GA)
Georgia State Patrol (GA) Glock 37
Evansville, Vanderburg County Sheriff (IN) Glock 37 & 38
Greenville Police Department (NC) Glock 37
Huntington Park, PD. (CA) Issued Glock 37's
Louisiana Office of State Parks (LA)
Madison Police Department (AL) Glock 37 & 38
New York State Police (NY) 5,400 Glock 37's to replacing current Glock 17's.
Pennsylvania State Police (PA)
Piedmont Triad International Airport Police (NC)
Powell Police Department (WY)
Reed City Police Department (MI) Glock 37
Sanford Police Department (NC) Glock 37
South Carolina Highway Patrol (SC)

Just like the old riffle rounds there will always be a following someplace but ammo may one day become hard to find yet more expensive, the manufactures fewer and not to prone to supply specialty ammo...

N I would not be too hyped about the fact that 23 out of what 100,000 police agency's adopted it, and that will only be until they re-equip. Buy what you want but I still would stick with a more popular and hence available cartridge...
I'm a small person, 5'4"& 150lbs. I carry a Para P12 & like the fact that I have full power capabilities. I could carry something bigger, but would have a heck of a time keeping it concealed.

I'm a small person too...about your size. What type of holster and how do you conceal is for CC?

I've been in the gun business for about 40 years. I was academically interested in the 45 GAP, nice idea, I thought. Then I shot one that I’d sold to a customer. He thought it the best thing since peanut butter AND sliced bread. I didn't like it, too snappy.
The basic concept was a 45 ACP+P in a 9mm/40 platform. I don't like +P, especially in a 45 ACP. My opinion is that it accelerates wear and really doesn't do much more than a well-directed standard velocity bullet. There is nothing wrong or especially right about the GAP cartridge. I just think the niche is very small.
Ammunition is not hard to find, sometimes. Right now I can find more GAP ammunition at wholesalers than I can find ACP or most any other common cartridge. The selection is still low. The general availability, anywhere, anytime, is low. I don't think that will change unless we go to the European/Mexican model of no military/police guns-ammunition for non-law enforcement/military. There are just too many 45 ACP users who are very satisfied with the guns and ammunition currently available.
For the hot months, it's a Kel-Tec PF9 in the front pocket. I also have a Taurus PT22 for "shorts only" attire or as a backup. I've got no excuses to leave home without one.

If I could only get one, it would be the Kel-Tec PF9. It's got the 9mm +P power option, and it's extremely concealable. I've also found it very reliable and very shootable. It's not a range gun!

9mm Lugar is still generally available (in small quanities now), and it's so popular, they make a ton of it... It will be available eventually one way or another. The same can be said for 45 ACP and 22 LR.

I've also got a Kahr CW in 45 ACP which is good for 70% of the year. And an XDM and a 5" 1911 for when I feel like lugging heavy. Also got a Sig Mosquito and Walther P22 to choose from. A S&W J frame polymer 38 special +P, and a few others I'm ashamed to mention. But I do stick mostly with 45 ACP, 9mm Lugar, and 22 LR in pistol caliber and 38 in revolver.

The bottom line: The best handgun in the world is the one you love and can carry all the time. For me that's the Kel-Tec and the Kahr
I bought a Glock 37 to add to my collection as a novelty, and as a comparison to my 1911s. I soon became fond of shooting it and I've carried it recently since i have a backlog of ammo for it. It is snappy- just how I like it- and very accurate. That being said, probably not a wise investment at this time if you have plans for it as a CCW. (Of course with this ammo shortage what pistol is?) Glock has been pushing it for years now and it hasn't made much if any progress. If you do go ahead with the purchase you should certainly start reloading- if you don't already. Save ALL your brass and use your 45 ACP dies. Good Luck.

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