Opinions on Rossi firearms?


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I'm in the market to purchase my first revolver ever, preferably something chambered in .357 magnum. Everywhere I've looked, Rossi is among the least expensive brands. Can anyone vouch for the quality (or lack thereof) of this brand?
I have several and like all of them. Their quality has come a long way. When I come across one at a good price I buy it.
my dad bought a rossi .357. it's a nice little piece actually. I'm not an expert on revolvers (I prefer semi autos) but have actually thought about getting one sooner or later. he bought his used and it looks great. I've shot it and it shoots good too. seems to be a quality firearm to me. I know he did some research on his own before the purchase. based on what he found he decided to buy it and I know he never had any regrets. good luck!
Maybe they have improved but many years ago I had bought 2 and they both were junk. Everytime I have bought cheap guns that is what I ended up with, a cheap gun. I learned my lesson many years ago and now I only buy quality guns. But they might( and mostly likely) are of higher quality now. I would suggust you buy a used S&W or Ruger or Colt if you don't have the cash for a new one. Just my 2 cents.
I'm in the market to purchase my first revolver ever, preferably something chambered in .357 magnum. Everywhere I've looked, Rossi is among the least expensive brands. Can anyone vouch for the quality (or lack thereof) of this brand?
I've never cared for Rossi revolvers. I do have one of the lever action .357 copies of the Win 1892 that I really like.

If 'least expensive' is your leading criteria, I picked up 2 of these from J&G last week for $80 each. (I know, "What was I thinking?" Sometimes I make impulse buys...)
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Triggers are absolutely horrid, ammo is underpowered and expensive, and the triggers are unbelievably bad. But, they're cheap.

I suggest you just be patient; wait for a good deal and use the time to save up a bit more money.
i got that 1895 nagant from J&G i use it as a truck gun because it's cheap. Dont want to give the criminals something valuble, and easy to reload if they break into my truck.
I have fired a few rossi's in 38 spl. they seem to shoot pretty well, and they seem to be abought the same quality as taurus revolvers.
Bought my wife a stainless Rossi 357 mag, new, back in the spring this year for $275 , nice shooting, good finish, but I did have to replace a spring in it right away (it broke). Over I have no regrets with it.
Take a look at Taurus revolvers too. I'm looking at the Taurus model 627. It is a future purchase for sure! They are moving fast for around $450

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I got a rossi .38 I bought in 1992. Still works perfectly and goes bang every time. They aren't sleek and sexy but they are reasonably priced and a good buy for a no-frills handgun. I don't remember what I paid for it back then - probably $100 or so new.