Open Carry Opinions

Sorry bro. I have seen that one too. That rule does have some merit. I am kinda up in the air on that one. Here in Georgia, you are not allowed to drink at all while carrying. Of course, in Georgia you must have a permit to OC also.

You have a lot more rights than you know.

People generally believe what the government tells them. Case and point...The economic mess we're in right now. People need to start sanding up for their rights. It's a lot easier for them to take away a constitutional right if the people never knew they had it.
Depends where you live. If open carry is legal, accepted, (or al least not likely to get the cops called on you) then yes. Otherwise, keep it concealed.
Everyone makes good points about the reason to open carry. I will add though that a cocnealed carry license usually requires u to "conceal" unless it's legal where one is to OC. For me, though, I met this guy at the range one day - he was in a gun safety class on his way to applying for concealed carry, who was open carrying in the meantime. It did make me uncomfortable. Honestly, I understand the many reasons listed here for doing so, I'm just describing my immediate gut reaction to it. Maybe for that reason I do go to some length to always keep it concealed. Maybe if I saw more people doing OC I would feel differently. I just like the idea that only I know I am armed.
I choose to carry concealed most of the time, but every now and then I carry openly, which is legal in this state (Tennessee) if you have a permit. I also live in Memphis. I have heard horror stories, told mostly by people I think who are overreacting and assuming the worst, about how the Memphis police will harass you and how you will freak out everybody who sees you and they will call the police, however, I have carried openly a fair bit, and I've never had any kind of problem at all.
Everyone makes good points about the reason to open carry. I will add though that a cocnealed carry license usually requires u to "conceal" unless it's legal where one is to OC. For me, though, I met this guy at the range one day - he was in a gun safety class on his way to applying for concealed carry, who was open carrying in the meantime. It did make me uncomfortable. Honestly, I understand the many reasons listed here for doing so, I'm just describing my immediate gut reaction to it. Maybe for that reason I do go to some length to always keep it concealed. Maybe if I saw more people doing OC I would feel differently. I just like the idea that only I know I am armed.

I hear alot of people who carry say that they would OC if they saw more people doing it. If everyone is waiting on someone else to go first, then nobody will do it. Someone has to stand up for my 2nd amendment rights. It may as well be me. So far I haven't had any negative experiences. Most of what people hear about guns is form the media, and you know what they always say about guns. If someone has an uncomfortable reaction to my gun the first time, they probably won't have an adverse reaction to it the next time. Our 2nd amendment rights are under serious attack. I'm not saying you should CC or OC. That is simply a matter of preference. Both methods have their advantages. Personally I don't care how you carry, just do it! However, if you CC only because you are intimidated by others for exercising your civil right then you may want to do a little soul searching.
Everyone makes good points about the reason to open carry. I will add though that a cocnealed carry license usually requires u to "conceal" unless it's legal where one is to OC. For me, though, I met this guy at the range one day - he was in a gun safety class on his way to applying for concealed carry, who was open carrying in the meantime. It did make me uncomfortable. Honestly, I understand the many reasons listed here for doing so, I'm just describing my immediate gut reaction to it. Maybe for that reason I do go to some length to always keep it concealed. Maybe if I saw more people doing OC I would feel differently. I just like the idea that only I know I am armed.

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I know it's Nashville (Google Maps says 3 hours?), but if you're wanting to go with other folks for strength in numbers, things like that are a place to start. Look up "Open carry Picnic" in youtube to see how the Virginia Civil Defense League does it.

If you're ever up in southern Indiana, shoot me a PM and we can go OC'ing around town. (Yes, your TN permit is good in IN). Once you do it a few times, it won't be any big thing.

ETA: Assuming you're interested in trying OC. I've heard that it's good to step out of your comfort zone from time to time. I'm not gonna force ya -- it's just fun having another person to talk guns with.
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God, I really hope this passes in Texas. I'm really not the Freudian type, but I am having a lot of "pistol envy" right now. I've carried concealed now for about nine years, and ruined about $500.00 worth of shirts in the process. To me this isn't a "let me show you mine " attitude, I just don't want to keep buying shirts every month
OC in Granite State

I believe NH is an open carry state without a permit. However, I do believe you need a permit for concealed carry. Anyone who currently OC's in NH, please chime in and correct me if I am wrong.
I choose to carry concealed most of the time, but every now and then I carry openly, which is legal in this state (Tennessee) if you have a permit. I also live in Memphis. I have heard horror stories, told mostly by people I think who are overreacting and assuming the worst, about how the Memphis police will harass you and how you will freak out everybody who sees you and they will call the police, however, I have carried openly a fair bit, and I've never had any kind of problem at all.

I've talked to a number of Nashville cops about OC. Most of them just said that if he saw me walking through a mall or down the street, he might ask to see my permit or may very well just assume I had one and not bother. However, if I looked like a gang-banger and he saw the butt of a gun sticking out of my pants, he would probably have me spread against the wall, disarm me, then sort it all out.
OC in California

I prefer to carry concealed if at all possible. I resort to open carry when traveling through states that don't recognize my permits (Oregon, Colorado and a few others). I try to avoid states completely that won't allow me to do either (California for one). Most of the time I'm on my BMW motorcycle when I visit these states. I wonder if people would react differently if I were on my Harley. :Nigga[1]:

California does allow open carry, if the gun is empty. You may get stopped by the police, but they will probably just check you out (have your handy-dandy recording devise handy, just in case). It may seem problematic to carry an empty gun, but if it's a revovler, you can speed load it quickly enough, if you are aware. (Altough my speed is pretty good only with moon-clips, and they may consider a moon clip to be an essential part of the gun, which could cause trouble). If you were on your Harley, and they stop you, you will probably end up on the ground. I work in Medford, and see young, plain-clothes officers open carry--if you must OC in California, or anywhere, you should look lke them.
I've open carried here in PA with little attention...I guess the folks up here are used to it. Most people probably think I'm an off duty LEO or something to that effect.
I've open carried here in PA with little attention...I guess the folks up here are used to it. Most people probably think I'm an off duty LEO or something to that effect.
Pretty much depends on how you dress to a certain degree, but as long as you don't look like a tatted up biker type, yeah, that's likely what most people assume. :wink:
That's why I like to at least have thumb break retention on a holster worn in public. I've had people at the gun store (other customers) just reach for my gun because they are curious and just want to check it out. They don't mean any harm, but need to be educated in the fact that you don't touch another mans gun. If you want to check it out, ask. I'll unload it, clear it, show you how to clear it, than you can check it out.

The newbies are good for that. One guy looked appalled when he found out I was carrying a loaded gun. I asked, "Aren't you here buying a gun? " He said, "Well, yes, but I wasn't going to carry it around loaded." I suggested he take a class.
That's why I like to at least have thumb break retention on a holster worn in public. I've had people at the gun store (other customers) just reach for my gun because they are curious and just want to check it out. They don't mean any harm, but need to be educated in the fact that you don't touch another mans gun. If you want to check it out, ask. I'll unload it, clear it, show you how to clear it, than you can check it out.

The newbies are good for that. One guy looked appalled when he found out I was carrying a loaded gun. I asked, "Aren't you here buying a gun? " He said, "Well, yes, but I wasn't going to carry it around loaded." I suggested he take a class.

Kind of scary, going into a gun shop where folks are so bold as to grab at my holstered firearm. Takes a lot of guts (or stupidity). They have no idea if you're a plain clothes LEO, your average gun owning citizen or some hot head who would pull a "soup nazi" yell ("No soup for you!") and smack them senseless.

Looks like I'd be doing a lot of "educating" if I were to do any shopping in your area.

I happened to me on occasion in NH as well. You chat with a person for a few minutes and they think you are buddies. Grabbing doesn't really describe it. It wasn't a case of someone just going for your gun out of the blue. It's more like reaching for during conversation, which is still a no-no. I never had anyone get so close as to touch it.

It does make me aware that gun grab in public is a possibility.

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