Mr. Anderson,
I don’t disagree with you regarding the Constitution. We the people have not done a good job electing representatives that embrace those same values. It looks like the political pendulum is going to swing to the right. We will find out in November.
The politicians and pro-gun lobby groups understood what was at stake with the passing of a “shall issue” CC law in Florida. They only allowed the statistically safe citizen’s CPL’s and required safety training. Anybody that could legally purchase a firearm was granted a CPL.
The passing of Florida’s “shall issue” CPL laws changed everything. When the Florida laws were passed there were as many states that allowed CC as there are today that don’t. There has been a dramatic political change regarding private citizen’s rights to own and carry guns. We have all benefited from these changes.
I agree that OC has always been legal in Michigan. My point about the effect of MCL 123.1102 was valid. Until the passage of that law in 1990 every local community had it’s own laws. Every county had different rules for getting a CCW. Many cities had laws prohibiting the transportation and possession of firearms. We all know those laws were not valid, good luck winning in court.
If I understand your post you object to the requirement to get a CPL to CC. I agree with you there is really not a difference between CC and OC. The life experience requirement s in Michigan to get a CPL are the same as the federal requirements to purchase a firearm. The ATF form 4473, sections 11a thru 11k contain these requirements. We all complete this form every time we purchase a firearm. I will paraphrase below.
11a. You must be purchasing the firearm for yourself. If you answer “no” the sale cannot proceed.
11b. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year?
11c. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation?
11d. Are you a fugitive from justice?
11e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controller substance?
11f. Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective (which includes a determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that you are a danger to yourself or to others or are incompetent to manage your own affairs) OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
11g. Have you been discharged from the Armed Services under dishonorable conditions?
11h. Are you subject to a court order restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner of child of such partner?
11i. Have you been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of violence?
11j. Have you ever renounced your United States citizenship?
11k. Are you an alien illegally in the United States.
If you answer “yes” to any 11b. thru 11k. the sale cannot proceed.
You may strongly disagree that these limitations are a good thing for the law abiding firearm owner.
I worked part time at a Sears Hardware store a number of years ago handling plumbing and electrical. I came to understand there are a lot of people that have no business owning tools.
I worked part time at a Gander Mountain selling firearms for nearly 5 years. It was proven to me there are a number of people that have no business owning guns, let alone carrying a gun.
I don’t have a problem requiring you are a citizen in good standing to purchase and own firearms. I strongly disagree with registration.
You strongly express disagreement with the mental illness limitations contained in the law. I’m curious, what mental illnesses should be over looked in the consideration of being allowed to carry a gun?
If a person is not eligible to get a CPL they are probably prohibited from owning firearms. This excludes being under 21 years old. If a person is prohibited from purchasing and owning firearms I don’t think they can legally OC.
Lastly, you are a smart guy, name calling and insults don’t help get your point across, they only alienate people from you.