Open Carry in Texas?


New member
Anyone know if Texas might allow open carry in the future? I have heard that the NRA or other groups are pushing for it. Anyone know anything?
Don't know anything about internal Texas politics, but I do know I wish they'd go open carry. I conceal carry almost all my time in NV, AZ, and UT and don't have to worry about being made. Texas is one of those states I'm occasionally in where I have to be extra careful because concealed means invisible--annoying.
What is different between NV conceal and TX conceal?

Some states require that your firearm be "concealed" at all times. If your firearm is spotted, even by accident, you could be charged with a crime. This could lead to you losing your CC license.

Check out the various state pages in the "Resources" area for more information.

Duty to conceal States

AR, FL, OK, TX and SC are duty to conceal States. You cannot carry firearms openly in those Statesunless you're a LEO or a uniformed private patrol person. You can be charged with a crime for failing to conceal in those States.