Open Carry at Wal*Mart


I open carried at Wal*Mart today, not for any particular reason except that I took off my jacket because it had warmed up. I felt just a bit out of place but quickly got used to it. When all was said and done and we finished at the check out, the checker said to me something to the effect that she hoped I was in the store if someone went "postal." I said, "Thanks, but I hope that never happens." She agreed. That conversation made me feel good. I wished I'd thought faster on my feet and asked her why she wasn't carrying? I wonder if the Wal*Mart employees here in Pahrump are prohibited from carrying? I'll have to ask her next time I see her.
I open carried at Wal*Mart today, not for any particular reason except that I took off my jacket because it had warmed up. I felt just a bit out of place but quickly got used to it. When all was said and done and we finished at the check out, the checker said to me something to the effect that she hoped I was in the store if someone went "postal." I said, "Thanks, but I hope that never happens." She agreed. That conversation made me feel good. I wished I'd thought faster on my feet and asked her why she wasn't carrying? I wonder if the Wal*Mart employees here in Pahrump are prohibited from carrying? I'll have to ask her next time I see her.

For all we know she could have been CC'n. :wink: Most businesses frown upon employees OC'n even when legal. Gotta remember that "anti gun" folks shop in stores too.

Glad to see that you had such a pleasant experience. Its nice to know that there still are places you can go in this country to exercise your rights however you choose and not have to worry about some hysterical anti calling the police about it.
For all we know she could have been CC'n. :wink: Most businesses frown upon employees OC'n even when legal. Gotta remember that "anti gun" folks shop in stores too.


I agree with your first and last statements. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I don't know that most businesses frown on oc. I would think that's the case, but I don't know for sure. Because of your profession, you probably study stats like that more than I do.
I agree with your first and last statements. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I don't know that most businesses frown on oc. I would think that's the case, but I don't know for sure. Because of your profession, you probably study stats like that more than I do.

My opinion on most businesses frowning upon OC is from talking to various business owners. Only businesses that I found that are "OC friendly" are gun shops and sometimes pawn shops. The general consensus is that they don't want to "offend" or "scare" customers, hence the OC prohibition. I'd say that OC in a gun shop is a safe bet, beause if a customer is "offended" by OC, then it's highly unlikely that they'll be entering a gun shop anytime soon. :wink:

As a business owner, I understand the importance of not "scaring" off any customers. I don't necessarily agree with having to CC, but I do understand that with the way the economy is, retaining customers may be the difference between staying in business and going out of business.

Here in VA, alot of businesses (which unfortunately is allowed by state laws due to private property clause) do not allow carry as an employee. Sad really. Hope nobody tries to rob them
As a business owner, I understand the importance of not "scaring" off any customers. I don't necessarily agree with having to CC, but I do understand that with the way the economy is, retaining customers may be the difference between staying in business and going out of business.

Is there really any evidence to show that OC scares customers? Maybe in a PR it would, but states that already allow it are probably not full of antis to begin with. You might well get more customers who know they can OC, than ones that would be scared off by them.

I also don't understand how people can immediately write off people they see OCing as not being LEOs. I've seen cops wearing polo shirts and khakis carrying. They aren't obviously any different from anyone else, until they get in their car.

By the way...who in the world has nothing better to do than get worked up over someone carrying a gun safely holstered at their side? It's not the usual practice of armed robbers to invest in a quality holster to wear out in public. They seem to prefer "Mexican" carry (shove it in your waistband), and are probably felons anyway, so a gang member wearing a firearm would be like a giant flashing arrow for any nearby cops.
CC became OC with Bad Results

Our local K Mart allowed CC until one of their CC customers dropped his pistol while eating lunch in the lunch area and it discharged.

There were no charges filed on the CC cutomer.

The next day all the doors were posted with do not carry signs.

A couple weeks ago I stopped at K Mart and was surprised the signs have been removed.

I expect the employees felt safer with CC customers around than without.

The way I see it, what they can't see or don't know, they won't think about. That's one of the many reasons I choose to carry concealed.
I'll tell you a good icebreaker to use when OC'ing.

Sheep: "Are you a cop?"

Me: "No! Why? What have you done?!?!"

I have used it a few times already and it almost always draws at least a smile. Every now and then you'll get some sourpuss in a bad mood.
I was ccwing at Lowes and at first they where a bit worried cause they could see the print in my shirt. But as soon as I walked up to them and asked for help they all seemed alot more laid back.
Walmart employees are not allowed to carry any weapon OC or CC while on the clock, and most of us are very happy to see people carrying, it's the customers that freak out a bit. LOL
Your lucky You can OC in Walmart, here in NM, You cannot carry OC in any place that sells alcohol(including beer).
I think most businesses allow their employees to carry for liability reasons. I know that's the reason where I work. Customers can carry tho'.
I'm new to OC, and I have carried in Wal-Mart about a dozen or so times. I have NEVER had a bad experience with them. a few quizzical looks from customers, but that's it.
I'm new to OC, and I have carried in Wal-Mart about a dozen or so times. I have NEVER had a bad experience with them. a few quizzical looks from customers, but that's it.

If somebody chickens out because of a bad experience at Wallyworld, they don't deserve to carry open.