online ccw in Va.?


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rumor has it that you can now take ccw course online in Va. does anyone know what web site to go to?

that is awesome!!! I'd like to see that here.. my sister wants to get her ccw but she has to get back to work soon.. working nights in a hospital so makes it hard to get to a class.
I own a site that allows you to take the Virginia Concealed Carry permit class online. You can find it at . The code 610189 will get you $10 off the class (please keep the code to only use by USAcarry members and their families). Any notes you could give me would be greatly appreciated!

I didn't take the course because I have many NRA certificates. VA Law says ANY NRA course demonstrates competency.

The online courses are valid and it says so specifically in the VA website

I have a VA Non-resident permit...I don't even have a resident permit in my state because VA makes it so easy/affordable
Virginia is the only state that explicitly states in the state code that online/video courses are sufficient. There are several other states that allow any course taught by an NRA or state certified instructor to be sufficient. Our course is we are legal in those states as well. Definitely check out the code in your state and if you have any questions, give us a holler. Again, any feedback on the class would be greatly appreciated!

Do we really think we can learn what there is to know in "just under an hour?"
Is this the type of "training" we want the anti's advertising?
I'm not knocking it, I'm just saying, It takes me a few days of classes to get a driver license, but I can pack a deadly weapon after watching a 40 minute video?

I'd like to take the "class" just to see really how great it is, but not for $39. I think gimmicks like this hurt our credibility.

P.A.: So let me get this right Mr. Doe, you watched a 40 minute video then shot my client?

Do we really think we can learn what there is to know in "just under an hour?"
Is this the type of "training" we want the anti's advertising?
I'm not knocking it, I'm just saying, It takes me a few days of classes to get a driver license, but I can pack a deadly weapon after watching a 40 minute video?

I'd like to take the "class" just to see really how great it is, but not for $39. I think gimmicks like this hurt our credibility.

P.A.: So let me get this right Mr. Doe, you watched a 40 minute video then shot my client?


I don't think I should have to do anything to be able to conceal a weapon, so the smaller the requirements the better. That being said I didn't take the online course- I have many other certificates that VA can't speak as to the quality of instruction..

I totally understand your point of view but tend to agree with ClearSight...there should be NO requirements to be allowed to carry concealed.

We have noticed some amazing numbers that may interest you...over 50% of the people taking the course are women. I believe that to be statistically significant. We think it is because of the lack of apprehension that comes with stepping into a male dominated past time.

Our class takes about 90 minutes, not forty, and was designed to be a challenge...the student must actually absorb the information in order to pass the course...


I totally understand your point of view but tend to agree with ClearSight...there should be NO requirements to be allowed to carry concealed.

We have noticed some amazing numbers that may interest you...over 50% of the people taking the course are women. I believe that to be statistically significant. We think it is because of the lack of apprehension that comes with stepping into a male dominated past time.

Our class takes about 90 minutes, not forty, and was designed to be a challenge...the student must actually absorb the information in order to pass the course...


Good luck with it. I hope the broads at least learn which end the bullet comes out of. Does the training course from the Maryland State Police count also?
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I thought there was a test at the end, but you just read it all then print out the training certificate.
Guess I'm just old fashioned.

Good luck with it. I hope the broads at least learn which end the bullet comes out of. Does the training course from the Maryland State Police count also?
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I thought there was a test at the end, but you just read it all then print out the training certificate.
Guess I'm just old fashioned.


:Wonders if I'm the only person who found this post offensive:

Sir, just because its online doesn't mean it isn't worth anything. Most colleges offer some form of "distance learning" that are counted as credits just like in person classes. You're the perfect example of why many women would probably lean towards an online course..
:Wonders if I'm the only person who found this post offensive:

Sir, just because its online doesn't mean it isn't worth anything. Most colleges offer some form of "distance learning" that are counted as credits just like in person classes. You're the perfect example of why many women would probably lean towards an online course..

"Most colleges offer some form of "distance learning" that are counted as credits just like in person classes" I see a LITTLE difference between a "modern art" class and carrying a lethal weapon.

Sorry if I offended. I find it offensive that someone can take a half-asses course by watching a video and never touch a gun and be called a "safe" handgun handler. The only difference is your offended hurts your pocketbook because you cant collect $49 in your certificate mill and my offended might get someone killed. I just believe if you are gonna take a gun safety course, you ought to at least touch a gun. Like the author says in his editorial, never seen a gun, never touched a gun, never fired a gun, but I gotta certificate from "online course".

Looking over the requirements from the state police, looks like ANY course offered by a NRA instructor counts for "education" on firearms safety regardless of the content.
Why not just skip all over the crap and use this test:


1) Do you want to carry a gun YES____ NO____
2) Do you know where the "trigger" is? YES______NO______

If you answered "YES" to both of the above questions, CONGRATULATIONS!
Now send me $49 and we'll have you packing in no time!

John Doe, certified NRA instructor.

Gotta go. I found me a PHd doctorate degree online for $79.99.


Gotta go. I found me a PHd doctorate degree online for $79.99.


Lmao- that was freakin' funny!

We're just going to have to disagree on the matter. I don't need to hold a gun to demonstrate safety to someone *i'm not an instructor*, but a picture of a gun would suffice. Would in person be optimum? I think so.
But again, I don't think there should be any requirements so I'm ok with a 90min course to qualify.

You may be in the optimal position. Many people don't have the money, or time to complete an in person course.
Poor form

Good luck with it. I hope the broads at least learn which end the bullet comes out of. SNIP...

Based on the misogynistic nature of your post, I would guess that you must be the monkey the news paper is talking about. While I too have some concerns about the quantity of the training, that can be fixed. You can't fix stupid.:nono:

Regards must be the monkey the news paper is talking about.

Doubt it. With security, law enforcement, & military training, I've probably sat thru more hours of course time than you have even holding a gun. I've completed level IV training, and worked in the field 23 years.

I'm not misogynistic, I just think it is ridiculous that the barber up the street has to go to a real school and pass a real test just to cut my hair, but we got people packing deadly weapons who's only exposure to a gun might be a 90 minute video (assuming she's the one who actually took the test on line). The friggin SUPER BOWL lasts longer than that, but watching it doesn't make me a football player, does it?

So the girlie is too shy and intimidated to go to a real classroom environment where there might be men? So how in the hell is she going to function when that rapist has a knife to her throat?

OBVIOUSLY I'm not the only one with this opinion, the frigging newspaper is writing about it. And it's of no concern to me, really. Until i'm the one at WalMart the girlie shoots because her gun goes off while she's hunting for her checkbook in her purse.

You see, carrying a gun is a little different from carrying a lipstick. If she SHOOTS some innocent bystander, they might be DEAD. If it makes me an anti to believe that a person should be able to demonstrate a little knowledge about carrying a deadly weapon that might affect the lives of others, who might not even be a party to the incident, then so be it. So she has to take a little time out of her weekend to take a real course? yeah, GOD FORBID she has to make a little EFFORT. If a person isn't willing to put a little effort into getting a real class, what makes you think they are going to put any effort in further education or going to the range on a regular basis?

Using a gun is LIFE and DEATH. Would you go to a heart surgeon who got his degree online? Would you trust your death penalty case to a lawyer who got his degree online? Lets see, California tried that a few years back. "Saratoga Law School" and "Lincon Law School" being the main "online" law schools. They were shut down after a year or so. The state bar stated that "online" law school graduates had a 79% higher failure rate than "traditional" students.
Wonder why?

Post from another forum,

"Do people really still consider this a good idea? I know we've discussed this before.

As an instructor, this course ranks right up there to me with the old 1970's "Draw Snuffy the Elephant" program to learn art at home. I saw someone recently commented on this type of course and I loved their statement. It was basically to the effect of "tell the judge and jury that you learned firearm safety from an online program taught by an instructor that never laid eyes on you".

Guess it's just me:rolleyes:
Doubt it. With security, law enforcement, & military training, I've probably sat thru more hours of course time than you have even holding a gun. I've completed level IV training, and worked in the field 23 years.

Actually you must be a youngster. I NEVER "Sat Through" a course in my life as I prefer to learn what is offered by participating. I have been teaching firearms classes since 1969. Everything from Hunter Safety and large bore rifle to Shotgun and law enforcement handgun training. I have been shooting a lot longer than that. So I am really not impressed by your CV as neither yours nor mine are pertinent to the point of my post.

You have missed that point. The termonology you used to degrade and demean women shooters reveals your true mindset, and it is not the mindset of a teacher. Not only does your original post drip with a misogynistic tone as I pointed out, the tone and language of your response does as well. This brings your entire claim to teaching qualification into serious doubt. Moreover, my point had nothing to do with the appropreateness of this particular online course. It was all about your use of derogatory terminology relative to women. By the way, this sort of language is counter to the rules and purposes of this forum.

But you clearly have not thought this through. ANYONE who can legally possess a firearm in Virginia may carry it with NO training of any kind. The training is required for government permission to CONCEAL the firearm and nothing more. So in fact ANY training people might take that provides the correct information is an improvement over what is allowed by law. While you or I might prefer there be extensive face to face training before a person carries a firearm under there coat, that is really irrelevant because the state does not require it, and the second amendment does not provide for such a requirement.


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