Ok question from the new guy


New member
1st off i am pretty new to the world of CC .
I'm still waiting for my permit to arrive.
Ok so i recently picked up my xd9 as my CC weapon
and i've been keeping it in the glovebox of my car note that i keep it loaded and ready to go (1 in pipe)
Now i have read my 790 fla. statutes and the sixth edition florida firearms law,use,& ownership book .
and it seems that i am in my legal rights to carry that way. but i have a few friends including some being LEOs
that say that i can't am i missing something here. thanks in advance for your replys
I may be wrong, but I believe doing it that way requires you to have that permit already.

When do you expect it to arrive?
Soon i hope it's been a few weeks already but i'm also pretty bad at keeping time. i try not to think about it cause then the time goes slower.
790.25 (p)(5) addresses carrying the firearm in a "private conveyance". As long as the firearm is "securely encased" and not "readily accessable", seems that you're legal.

I am not a lawyer, so this isn't legal advice.

Yes thank you i knew i was reading it right . it's just sad that some ppl. even being gun owners themselves don't know or keep up with the law . i feel much better ;)
I strongly recommend finding an attorney in your area that has experience in criminial defense cases involving firearms. Keep that attorney on retainer and be sure to have the attorney's business card handy in many different places. You could consult the attorney for any legal questions regarding firearms.

I have an attorney on retainer here in Hawaii. This attorney has a lot of experience in criminal defense cases and is licensed in a few of the states where I travel.

You are absolutely legal in the State of Florida, as glovebox is considered legally encased. Gutmacher goes over the specifics in "Law, Use, and Ownership"
Some cops want 2 steps to retrive firearm.In glove box with holster with strap for sure will cover it.
Some cops want 2 steps to retrive firearm.In glove box with holster with strap for sure will cover it.

What cops want is not the law. This is an issue where they need education in the statutes. There has been this myth about steps in Florida that do not exist.

Not trying to cause an argument, but it makes me crazy that we somehow have to meet a standard not set by the Law.
What cops want is not the law. This is an issue where they need education in the statutes. There has been this myth about steps in Florida that do not exist.

Not trying to cause an argument, but it makes me crazy that we somehow have to meet a standard not set by the Law.
If that makes you crazy, don't move to N.Y. They think they are immune to the constitution up there.
thanks for all you replys . I've been carrying with one in the pipe cause in my mind if something was to go down i don't want to have to think open glovebox,cock,aim,shoot!! I much rather have one less step just in case you know !
The only thing that does bugg me is that even some of my friends which are LEOs couldn't give me a str8 answer !!
and i understand there human too and can't remember everything . anyways thanks alot for all your replys
i guess i'm worrying for nothing .
If that makes you crazy, don't move to N.Y. They think they are immune to the constitution up there.

Born and raised in NY. Turned down for a carry permit many years ago when I carried a $30,000 cash payroll.

Left 20 years ago and have no desire to return.
Yes cops need to be educated,only when your arms are cuffed behind you it is time to be quiet. The law is what ever the LEO preceves at the time. Bad cop no donut
Yes cops need to be educated,only when your arms are cuffed behind you it is time to be quiet. The law is what ever the LEO preceves at the time. Bad cop no donut

It is always best to be quiet until you are asked a specific question. Never give up information.

If a LEO is going to arrest you, you are right, it does not matter what the law is. However, if you know the law and your rights, it is likely that your bank account will increase some from the settlement they choose to pay rather than deal with a false arrest.
thanks for all you replys . I've been carrying with one in the pipe cause in my mind if something was to go down i don't want to have to think open glovebox,cock,aim,shoot!! I much rather have one less step just in case you know !
The only thing that does bugg me is that even some of my friends which are LEOs couldn't give me a str8 answer !!
and i understand there human too and can't remember everything . anyways thanks alot for all your replys
i guess i'm worrying for nothing .

Welcome to the site lowridermig. As said before you are perfectly legal keeping your XD9 loaded and in the glove box. Cops don't always keep up with all the laws or have been miss informed at some time.

Florida's turn around time is actually pretty good. So you should have your permit soon. Mine took about 20 days door to door.