Ok Maybe I need the Intervention!


New member
Ok I can not give my dad a hard time any more! I stopped by a friends shop last night and he happened to get in a shipment of Spike Tactical stripped AR15 lowers. I was able to get it out the door for $170 even. Sooooo I bought it. Still more then they were a year ago but right now I thought that was a good price. I want to build at least one more so I figured I'd get it while I could.

Now the hard part...... what to build! lol
- 24" bull barrel 6.5 grendal (was on the top of my list but I have a Heavy barrel Savage .308 now)
- 10.5" .223 SBR
- 9mm 10.5" SBR with a suppressor
Nothing wrong with you other than being a potential right wing terrorist.:biggrin:

Potential!! lol I think its more like Full Blown!

When my buddy did the FDLE call in they asked for may name. My buddy gave it to them and they were like "Oh it's Paul. Whats he gettting today? Ok ya he's good to go tell him we said hi."

lol just kidding! :biggrin: :biggrin:
I think I may have a problem too. I didn't own any guns until november, but since then I have bought 6 guns:
M&P 9mm full size
M&P 9mm compact
Smith&Wesson 22a
Remington 597 22lr
WASR 10/63 AK-47
Mosin Nagant 91/30

have 1500 rounds of 9mm, 1000 rounds of 7.62x39, 1000 rounds of 7.62x54r, and too many rounds of 22 to count.

And I am already looking at an AK-74 and a Glock 26 so my wife can carry the M&Pc. I think I have a problem.
Ok, I'm the intervention guy.

I have sent my address to everyone who's said they have a large arsenal. I have been appointed by...well, myself... to do an intervention with you guys. So, please send all your "excess" guns to me. Trust me, it'll be cleansing for your souls, and you will feel much better about yourselves afterwards... and so will I :sarcastic:
I have sent my address to everyone who's said they have a large arsenal. I have been appointed by...well, myself... to do an intervention with you guys. So, please send all your "excess" guns to me. Trust me, it'll be cleansing for your souls, and you will feel much better about yourselves afterwards... and so will I :sarcastic:

Ironhorse please be careful you may turn into one of us by trying to help. I went up to Ohio for my dad's intervention. Instead of helping cure his disorder I ended up buying a Savage 10FP, scope base, rings, Bushnell elite 4200 scope, 308 ammo, and an 8 pound jug of Varget. Then when I got home I thought I was safe being away from him and out of the state but no I bought this lower! AAAAHHHHHH.......

For all of us that have the same addiction I am sure the gubberment has the antidote for us.
Ironhorse please be careful you may turn into one of us by trying to help. I went up to Ohio for my dad's intervention. Instead of helping cure his disorder I ended up buying a Savage 10FP, scope base, rings, Bushnell elite 4200 scope, 308 ammo, and an 8 pound jug of Varget. Then when I got home I thought I was safe being away from him and out of the state but no I bought this lower! AAAAHHHHHH.......


For the greater good of all my brothers in arms here on this forum, I will be a martyr :fie:
Must be confession time
Ok since January1, 09
Tarus PT140
Kahr PM9
Ruger LCP380
Glock 27
Glock SF 30
S&W 642
Mosberg 88
I think I may have a problem too. I didn't own any guns until november, but since then I have bought 6 guns:
M&P 9mm full size
M&P 9mm compact
Smith&Wesson 22a
Remington 597 22lr
WASR 10/63 AK-47
Mosin Nagant 91/30

have 1500 rounds of 9mm, 1000 rounds of 7.62x39, 1000 rounds of 7.62x54r, and too many rounds of 22 to count.

And I am already looking at an AK-74 and a Glock 26 so my wife can carry the M&Pc. I think I have a problem.

your "problem" is shared by many on here. if you feel your problem is getting out of hand let me know and I will come by and pick up some of your toys to help ease the adiction a bit.