"Odd" places to conceal carry


My friend, not a BG, conceals her pistol in the top of the stroller. Where are some places you can think of that you might not normally think of to be used for concealed carry? We can all use some "brain cell expansion" to be on the "look out" for places that BGs might carry.
I can't think of any unusual place that I carry.

I carry for immediate access, IWB or OWB.

Always wear an untucked shirt in summer and jacket, coat, or suit coat in cooler weather.
I have never concealed in any place unusual, but there's a show I like to watch called MANswers in which that very topic was discussed. In it, the topic of unusual weapons that prisoners have been able to smuggle into prison was discussed. One inmate at a prison (can't remember where) was able to stick a derringer up his you-know-what. What a way to conceal, huh?
I have never concealed in any place unusual, but there's a show I like to watch called MANswers in which that very topic was discussed. In it, the topic of unusual weapons that prisoners have been able to smuggle into prison was discussed. One inmate at a prison (can't remember where) was able to stick a derringer up his you-know-what. What a way to conceal, huh?

oh my gosh!!!! some one must have been determined!
Sometimes in the summer when I go to church I carry my gun in a double sided zipper carrier for my Bible. My "sword" goes in one side and my gun in the other.
My worst is carrying in my workbag/briefcase to places due to clothes not hiding it well enough
I have a rig set up for when I Mountainbike. Its sort of a small of the back set up but instead of it being connected to my shorts i have it hooked up to my cammelback. That way when I bend over you can't see it because it mooves with the bag.
I have a large boonie hat that I can wear around my neck with a holster adapted to the inside of it. I have no idea what I will ever use it for, I just got bored one night.. but it works! haha

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