That is a real eye opener. Thank you very much for that post Right 2 Carry. (I showed that to my mother, and she doesn't want to vote for him anymore.) Obama speaks very well (like most politicians) and he has many people convinced that he will solve many problems in the U.S. After seeing things in that light, I believe America will be severly damaged if he is elected president.
Like the Fox News reporter said several times, 'what if the word white was changed to black in those speaches.' It would cause massive protest and movements against Obama's church. They're philosophy seems resembilant to a certain racist clan that comes to mind. "All in the name of God, of course." Get religion involved in anything, and it seems that a silver tongue can persuade masses to do anything. I fear that many black americans are voting for Obama for the sole reason that he is black, without taking an unbiased look.