Obama's pastor blasts founding fathers

Does anybody actually think Mr Obama has any respect for the founding fathers? REALLY?? I'm sure he'd say he does to the right crowd, but obviously what he says and what he actually believes don't always coincide.
He affiliates himself with this guy. He made a big deal about not being a Muslim how he had been a member of this church for many years all his children were baptised there etc. I would say he is a upstanding member of that church and by being so agrees with the teachings of it's pastor, so yeah I think he is responsible.

Put it this way if I were a member of a church and the pstor came out with a racist diatribe against blacks or Jews or whatever I would leave that church it would not stand for me and my beleifs. But Mr. Obama has not done so he has remained in the pew and thus he is saying tacitly I agree with the veiws of this pastor he is my sprirtual leader and I follow him. So now that he has offered his opinions on the founding fathers. I would say the ball is in Mr. Obamas court, does he speak for you? Are his views your views as well? If not you have onely one alternative, to denounce him and leave his church otherwise you are suppoting his point of view.
Does anybody actually think Mr Obama has any respect for the founding fathers? REALLY?? I'm sure he'd say he does to the right crowd, but obviously what he says and what he actually believes don't always coincide.

I feel bad for the people who actually do believe and have respect for him.. can't see past the end of their nose

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