Obama says no concealed firearms!


New member
Senator Obama said on Tuesday, “I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.”

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This is outrageous and we need to send Senator Obama a message. Please go to his website and flood him with emails.

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Here is the text of my email. Anyone that wants to is welcome to copy it in full or just use parts. Please send the Senator a note. This is a serious deal.

I am writing to express my concern regarding your comments about citizens legally carrying concealed weapons. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review quoted you as stating, “I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.” I find this ignorant and offensive. As a law abiding citizen that carries a concealed weapon every day, I can state that the only person that will ever be shot with my firearm is a criminal that attempts to prey on myself or my family. Prohibiting civilians from being able to carry concealed firearms prevents them from the God-given right to defend their lifes from criminals that would prey on us. For years now, violent crime has decreased as a result of citizens carrying concealed firearms. Instances of shooting or accidents coming from citizens such as myself carrying a concealed firearm are RARE! It is statistically dramatically higher for a criminal to be shot by a concealed firearm permit holder, than for what you call “innocent people” to be shot by a legal concealed firearm permit holder. The courts have long ago decreed that law enforcement has no legal obligation to protect me or my family individually. Eliminating my right to carry a concealed firearm also eliminates my right to defend myself. This is outrageous and morally wrong. The places in the country that have the highest crime rate (ie. CHICAGO, Washington D.C.) have the strictest gun control laws in the nation. These gun control laws have only served to disarm the people that criminals prey on, thus giving criminals easier targets. I would ask you to rethink your position on citizens such as myself carrying concealed weapons and acknowledge us for the crime deterent that we serve as. Eliminating the right of law abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms will only make citizens easier targets for criminals. It will only increase crime.
I will send him a message all right. Come November I will send him one good message.
Here's the comment that I just sent him.

I am deeply offended by your recent remarks concerning law-abiding citizens and concealed carry. If you look at the statistics from any state that has enacted concealed carry laws (48 so far), you will see that violent crime has decreased in all of them since the law was adopted. Those of us who carry concealed firearms because we refuse to be victims, are part of the solution, not the problem. Thank you for your time.

And, I agree with toreskha, He is a Twit!
Be prepared for the response. I've written to the Obama campaign before and was thereafter deluged by emails such as "Thanks for your support!" and "We won Alabama because of people like you!". It wasn't until I let all semblance of civility go and responded by "dog-cussing" him that I finally quit receiving e-mails.

I sent a comment anyway, if for no other reason than to give myself an excuse to lay into them again later.
I got a little carried away...lol

I take issue with Barack Obama's recent comments that he would prefer that the human right of self-defense be infringed upon by preventing legally licensed individuals from carrying firearms. This is not just be a legal question, but a moral one. To strip someone of their ability to fight back against aggressors is a sin against both God and humanity.

Mr. Obama is either seriously deluded, or has a feeling of malice towards the people of the United States. On what grounds does Obama justify the abrogation of a Constitutional right? Obama seems to "feel" a lot - but rarely does he seem to bring statistics and facts to bear in arguments. The phenomenon of CWP holders (who are trained, qualified and responsible) overwhelmingly preventing crime, rather than causing it, is well-documented and backed by decades of quantifiable evidence.

Barack Obama seems to be making quite a few statements out of popular ignorance, rather than any sort of logical or reasoned thought. This is similar to the scare tactics used by any other limelight-holder on the issues of sharks, marijuana, SARS, tattoos, cell phones while driving, "gang members," etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

If Mr. Obama wants change, please ask him to look in my couch.
This guy is a true liberal, that is showing his true colors. Just wondering if his body guards carry concealed. As far as brainwashed college students, remember that since kindergarten they have be taught, not to question or think for yourself but believe what you are told. Also that the government will take carry of you. This man is a hypocrite and a danger.
This guy is a true liberal, that is showing his true colors. Just wondering if his body guards carry concealed. As far as brainwashed college students, remember that since kindergarten they have be taught, not to question or think for yourself but believe what you are told. Also that the government will take carry of you. This man is a hypocrite and a danger.

+10 He is dangerous, and definately not what this country needs!
Hey thanks for posting this. I will probably send him an email. However, I am confident that it is a waste of my time. He could care less what the people want.
Only thing we can really do is make sure that we and all our friends and family VOTE!!! I know that most people like us vote because we care about all sorts of things (2A rights etc), but make sure your friends and family are informed about the candidates and that they actually go out and vote. Drag 'em to the polls if ya have to.
I'll be voting and it won't be for that guy:icon_sick: I sent him an email and gave him my opinion on ccw and some facts this should be fun I can't wait for a reply.

Here's the comment that I just sent him.

I am deeply offended by your recent remarks concerning law-abiding citizens and concealed carry. If you look at the statistics from any state that has enacted concealed carry laws (48 so far), you will see that violent crime has decreased in all of them since the law was adopted. Those of us who carry concealed firearms because we refuse to be victims, are part of the solution, not the problem.

I used yours and added some to it.

I am deeply offended by your recent remarks concerning law-abiding citizens and concealed carry. If you look at the statistics from any state that has enacted concealed carry laws, you will see that violent crime has decreased in all of them since the law was adopted. Those of us, who carry concealed firearms because we refuse to be victims, are part of the solution, not the problem. Do you for one moment believe that disarming he law abiding citizen will have any impact on the numbers of armed and dangerous criminals. When you take away our right to defend ourselves, you have condemned countless many MORE innocent citizens to attacks resulting in serious bodily injury or possible death. Let me pose this question: If you were out with your family, without your body guards, far from the nearest police patrol car, and you were being attacked by two or more individuals bent on doing you and yours great bodily harm. Then, when all seemed lost a concerned law-abiding citizen happened onto the scene, well trained in the use of handguns, producing from concealment a loaded handgun and forces these individuals to stop their attack and to leave the area. How would you feel about it then? People are able to avoid these kinds of attacks every day by being able to be armed. Not every encounter ends with shooting. Just knowing that it could is enough to discourage many aggressors. Please Re-think your position on concealed carry.
If you do not like who is on the ballot when it comes time to vote, just write in who you think would be the best person for the job! I will be writting in Ron Paul.

If you do not like who is on the ballot when it comes time to vote, just write in who you think would be the best person for the job! I will be writting in Ron Paul.

I agree Paul is by far better than the three stooges that are still in the race. I doubt that he can get enough write ins to have a chance however. That is a shame because right now the future of America is not looking to good.
Obama...yeah right

"Mr. Obama is either seriously deluded, or has a feeling of malice towards the people of the United States."

'Nuff said!
