Ten years ago I worked in real estate with a gal who told me that she and her husband were Jehovah's Witnesses. She dressed in a certain manner (I don't know if that was because of religious mandates or not) and explained to me that she always thought of herself as subservient to her husband. He would tell her things she could and could not do, including how she treated him, what type of job she could do, walking behind him, etc. I thought it odd in this day and age in the USA to know that men thought about their women this way. Even more unsettling was how inferior that gal must have thought of herself. I thought it was an isolated case of uneven status and respect. That is, until I spoke one day with my former daughter in law who told me that her husband would not let her have her own email, she had to use his. It's
email for crying out loud! She said he was quite the control freak. I was shocked! But, the more I got to know him, the more I believed her. What's up with that kind of thing. Both of these couples call themselves Christians. I wonder how far Christians really do control each other and I just don't realize it? Should I even care?