Well, that is sure a bunch of hacked together sound bites. I have no idea after listening/watching that if any of what was said really was said. I too, have no idea if Obama said in this hacked together mess if he was a Muslim or not.
I DO think, after reading and watching many videos on the www: THAT the Muslim religion is BAD for America. Those people will not/DO NOT believe the way most Christian people believe.
That MOST Muslims believe we are pigs/trash and that the only GOOD American is a DEAD one.
IF you watch 100 video's
AND read 100 articles
AND over 90% of those say America is the GREAT Satan, that Americans have NO place on Earth, then pretty soon, you have to figure out that the Muslim people DO think we should ALL be DEAD.
IF it were 50/50, that would be okay. But it ISN'T, those people TOTALLY BELIEVE that women are PROPERTY. To be beaten or killed at will. To be disposed of, to be sold.
PERSONALLY, I think it may be TOO LATE for America. That America is too STUPID to wake up and realize Muslim's are NOT good for ANYONE except Muslim males. That they (the Muslim religion) ARE intent on DESTROYING America.
It DOESN'T matter that Obama says that Muslim's are the BEST thing to EVER happen to the Earth. That they (the Muslim's) ARE a PEACEFUL bunch of people.
IF you want to read something that IS terrible, just as bad or maybe worse than the Holocaust and Jews... read about the "Christian" CRUSADES that took place for HUNDREDS of years when the Christian and Muslims were fighting between each other.
Religion IS the cause of MOST evil in the world today. EVERYONE on their soapbox SCREAMING that THEY have the ONLY correct religion.
YES, even the Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses AND Scientoligists THINK they are the ONLY true religion. ALL of the rest of you bastards are going to burn in Hell FOREVER. (except JW's, you just die, no Hell)
So, in the good old USA, you can pretty much pick whichever church/religion makes you HAPPY.
MY GOD is ... whatever you wish him/her to be. WOW, we ARE a STRANGE animal!!
There isn't a God, so we MAKE one up!! In FACT, we make up THOUSANDS or MILLIONS of DIFFERENT ones!!
This one says: Do THIS.
That one says: Do THAT.
Some day, hummm, maybe I will flip a coin, see which one I am going to believe in for THIS year. Hummm, whichever one is in power currently.
The Muslim's seem to think THEIR God is the one in POWER right now... so, Christians, you had BEST be GETTING some BETTER weapons!!
Hum, a LOT of truth in this post today. And you know what is GREAT? You CAN pick and chose how you want your God to be!
Are YOU on the WINNING (Christian or Muslim) side today? Or are you on the LOSING (Muslim or Christian) side today?
Which side is WINNING today? LOSING today?
Such is life in the USA today.