Oath of office


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I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

To me being president is just like any other job, and when you are not living up to what you swear that you would do then it's time to be fired from that job. When it comes to the constitution of the United States, I don't see many elected officails that are preserving, protecting and defending. And even IF the Constitution only applied to our founding fathers time, it seemed to work pretty well. It's too bad that we have become a nation of people where power, greed and passing the buck has become a way of life. This is America, I'm a proud American and if it comes down to it, I will take a bullet for America. This is not just Obama's America, it's not just my America, it belongs to, "WE THE PEOPLE"

It's time that "WE THE PEOPLE" take back OUR America

Can't say it would be any better, but couldn't be any worse. I know if it were me in his place, and I wanted that position, I wouldn't do what Obama is doing.
i think if biden was pres. people would just ignore him.

LOL now that's funny. Thanks for the laugh :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:. Better yet maybe if we all found our voices and maybe our balls to speak up and not just lay back and watch our children's future go down the drain with out a fight. As it is i will never see SS or retirement the way things are going now the new retirement age will be 95.:mad::mad:. Not even going to start with the national debt that our children's children's will still be paying off. Then lets not forget the great plan to tax our vets health care:mad: . Did they not give enough for us? I think giving them free health care is just the start of what we can/should be doing for them. Get them off the streets get them jobs/food/ a shave/warm place to stay with out the worry of some young punk beating them while they sleep. For gods shakes give them the medicine they need to deal with the PSD. It's sad how our leaders have let down the ones who gave it all and asked for nothing in return.
Well better do it fast then. Cause Mrs.HK_packer is a natural born and raised hillbilly, and we are moving back to the mountains. Our house is for sale now, so if they want my guns that's where I'll be, and we all know that stuff happens in the mountians. Remember Ruby Ridge.
... My voice and my balls are all I have left!

Let's all be vigil in letting our voices be heard and in showing our balls... urm... well... maybe not showing, but... let's be sure and have balls when it comes to protecting our American heritage!

We need to kick and scream and do whatever we can to exert our will over our representatives in Washington! Write, call, email... and VOTE! Fire the bad ones and hire ones that stand for the values we hold to be true and right! Representatives who will defend the constitution and well and faithfully discharge the duties of the offices to which they hold!
Well, it could be worse. Sara Palin could be the vice president :eek:

Why are you Dem's so afraid of Sara? I would hope you have some factual information for this fear and not basing this fear on information supplied by the left leaning major media. Not trying to start a war, just would like to know if I'm missing something. :pleasantry:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

To me being president is just like any other job, and when you are not living up to what you swear that you would do then it's time to be fired from that job. When it comes to the constitution of the United States, I don't see many elected officails that are preserving, protecting and defending. And even IF the Constitution only applied to our founding fathers time, it seemed to work pretty well. It's too bad that we have become a nation of people where power, greed and passing the buck has become a way of life. This is America, I'm a proud American and if it comes down to it, I will take a bullet for America. This is not just Obama's America, it's not just my America, it belongs to, "WE THE PEOPLE"

It's time that "WE THE PEOPLE" take back OUR America

Time for 10 million gun owner march?????? :biggrin:
Tatt never said he was a Dem, did he?

Why are you Dem's so afraid of Sara? I would hope you have some factual information for this fear and not basing this fear on information supplied by the left leaning major media. Not trying to start a war, just would like to know if I'm missing something. :pleasantry:

Honestly, I am a staunch libertarian, and consider the Democrats AND the Republicans too far left for my comfort. That said, this past election was just about the worst choice that I could imagine. I think that none of us are unaware of the shortcomings of McCain (still thankful for his service, though), Biden, and Comrade Obama.

However, I simply can not get over this love affair that some so-called conservatives have with Sarah Palin.

In the beginning I was impressed; here is a woman that has worked hard, attained an amazing office considering the traditional obstacles in her way, and even DONE THE RIGHT THING by weeding out corruption in her state, donkey and elephant alike.

Then, we got a look at the REAL Palin. Someone who uses the office as a club against those who cross her and her family, issues of corruption at her own doorstep, and and honest-to-goodness imbecile where anything outside the borders of Alaska is concerned.

Don't get me wrong, she seems like a fun person to take along on a trip to the range. The fact that she can field dress a moose is also pretty impressive, especially to those of us who don't hunt. That said, I want someone who absolutely KNOWS what is going on, why it is happening, and how to fix it.

Ron Paul for President!:biggrin:
oath of office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

To me being president is just like any other job, and when you are not living up to what you swear that you would do then it's time to be fired from that job. When it comes to the constitution of the United States, I don't see many elected officails that are preserving, protecting and defending. And even IF the Constitution only applied to our founding fathers time, it seemed to work pretty well. It's too bad that we have become a nation of people where power, greed and passing the buck has become a way of life. This is America, I'm a proud American and if it comes down to it, I will take a bullet for America. This is not just Obama's America, it's not just my America, it belongs to, "WE THE PEOPLE"

It's time that "WE THE PEOPLE" take back OUR America
well said sir, i agree 100%!
Let's all be vigil in letting our voices be heard and in showing our balls... urm... well... maybe not showing, but... let's be sure and have balls when it comes to protecting our American heritage!

We need to kick and scream and do whatever we can to exert our will over our representatives in Washington! Write, call, email... and VOTE! Fire the bad ones and hire ones that stand for the values we hold to be true and right! Representatives who will defend the constitution and well and faithfully discharge the duties of the offices to which they hold!

I've given up on that one, I'm tired of receiving form letters that say "Hi, I obviosly didn't read you email or letter, but here is what I am doing, and if you don't agree, I don't care, you are just a racist anyway", and they don't answer their phones any more. The next election can't come soon enough. FL Dist 19 is comming up Feb primaries!!!
Honestly, I am a staunch libertarian, and consider the Democrats AND the Republicans too far left for my comfort. That said, this past election was just about the worst choice that I could imagine. I think that none of us are unaware of the shortcomings of McCain (still thankful for his service, though), Biden, and Comrade Obama.

However, I simply can not get over this love affair that some so-called conservatives have with Sarah Palin.

In the beginning I was impressed; here is a woman that has worked hard, attained an amazing office considering the traditional obstacles in her way, and even DONE THE RIGHT THING by weeding out corruption in her state, donkey and elephant alike.

Then, we got a look at the REAL Palin. Someone who uses the office as a club against those who cross her and her family, issues of corruption at her own doorstep, and and honest-to-goodness imbecile where anything outside the borders of Alaska is concerned.

Don't get me wrong, she seems like a fun person to take along on a trip to the range. The fact that she can field dress a moose is also pretty impressive, especially to those of us who don't hunt. That said, I want someone who absolutely KNOWS what is going on, why it is happening, and how to fix it.

Ron Paul for President!:biggrin:

When did she use a club against those who cross her??? Any solid accusations of Corruption??? (I've heard plenty of allegations, a huge smear campaign, lawsuits galore, but nothing with any solidity, look at what they did to Ted Stevens!!), and most of her "imbecilic" statements were made by Tina Fey, often reported in the press as spoken by Sarah, with no corrections issued. Remember, the Press HATES Sarah Pallin.

And Ron Paul has some GREAT ideas and ideals.
Sara Palin gets my vote anytime she asks for it. Am currentlly reading her book, she sounds like a hard-working, common-sense American to me.

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