O.J. Simpson found guilty on all charges


Thank God I'm alive!
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I'm just glad that unlike last time, his race and celebrity status didn't skew the jurors' thinking.

LAS VEGAS - O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room.

The 61-year-old former football star could spend the rest of his life in prison. Sentencing was set for Dec. 5.

A weary and somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read by the clerk in Clark County District Court. He was immediately taken into custody.

The Hall of Fame football star was convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges for gathering up five men a year ago and storming into a room at a hotel-casino, where the group seized several game balls, plaques and photos. Prosecutors said two of the men with him were armed; one of them said Simpson asked him to bring a gun.

The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.

"I don't like to use the word payback," defense attorney Yale Galanter said. "I can tell you from the beginning my biggest concern ... was whether or not the jury would be able to separate their very strong feelings about Mr. Simpson and judge him fairly and honestly."

Simpson's co-defendant, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, 54, also was found guilty on all charges in the Las Vegas case and taken into custody.

Simpson showed little emotion as officers handcuffed him and walked him out of the courtroom. His sister, Carmelita Durio, sobbed behind him in the arms of Simpson's friend, Tom Scotto, who said "I love you" as Simpson passed by. As spectators left the courtroom, Durio collapsed.

Jurors made no eye contact with the defendants as they entered the courtroom. They declined to answer questions after the verdict was read.

Galanter said his client had expected the outcome, and in a courthouse conversation with an Associated Press reporter on Thursday, Simpson had implied as much.

Simpson said he felt melancholy and that he was "afraid that I won't get to go to my kids' college graduations after I managed to get them through college."

Galanter said it was not a happy day for anybody. "His only hope is the appellate process," he said.

Clark County spokesman Dan Kulin said prosecutors would not comment until the case was "completely resolved."

Judge Jackie Glass made no comment other than to thank the jury for its service and to deny motions for the defendants to be released on bail.

She refused to give the lawyers extended time to file a motion for new trial, which under Nevada law must be filed within seven days. The attorneys said they needed time to submit a voluminous record.

"I've sat through the trial," Glass said. "If you want a motion for new trial, send me something."

Stewart's attorney, Brent Bryson, promised to appeal.

"If there was ever a case that should have been severed in the history of jurisprudence, it's this case," he said of unsuccessful attempts to separate Stewart's case from Simpson's because of the "spillover" effect.

From the beginning, Simpson and his lawyers argued the incident was not a robbery, but an attempt to reclaim mementos that had been stolen from him. He said he did not ask anyone to bring a weapon and did not see any guns.

The defense portrayed Simpson as a victim of shady characters who wanted to make a buck off his famous name, and police officers who saw his arrest as an opportunity to "get" him and avenge his acquittal.

Prosecutors said Simpson's ownership of the memorabilia was irrelevant; it was still a crime to try to take things by force.

"When they went into that room and forced the victims to the far side of the room, pulling out guns and yelling, `Don't let anybody out of here!' — six very large people detaining these two victims in the room with the intent to take property through force or violence from them — that's kidnapping," prosecutor David Roger said.

Kidnapping is punishable by five years to life in prison. Armed robbery carries a mandatory sentence of at least two years behind bars, and could bring as much as 30.

Simpson, who now lives in Miami, did not testify but was heard on a recording of the confrontation screaming that the dealers had stolen his property. "Don't let nobody out of this room," he declared and told the other men to scoop up his items, which included a photo of Simpson with former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Four other men charged in the case struck plea bargains that saved them from potential prison sentences in return for their testimony. Some of them had criminal records or were otherwise compromised in some way. One, for example, was an alleged pimp who testified he had a revelation from God telling him to take a plea bargain.

Memorabilia dealer Thomas Riccio, who arranged and secretly recorded the hotel-room confrontation, said he netted $210,000 from the media for the tapes.

Similarly, minutes after the Sept. 13, 2007, incident, one of the alleged victims, sports-memorabilia dealer Alfred Beardsley, was calling news outlets, and the other, Bruce Fromong, spoke of getting "big money" from the case.

Simpson's past haunted the case. Las Vegas police officers were heard in the recordings chuckling over Simpson's misfortune and crowing that if Los Angeles couldn't "get" him, they would.

During jury selection, Simpson's lawyers expressed fears that people who believed he got away with murder might see this case as a chance to right a wrong.

As a result, an usually large pool of 500 potential jurors was called, and they were given a 26-page questionnaire. Half were almost instantly eliminated after expressing strong feelings that Simpson should have been convicted of murder.

The judge instructed the jurors to put aside Simpson's earlier case.

In closing arguments, Galanter acknowledged that what Simpson did to recover his memorabilia was not right. "But being stupid, and being frustrated is not being a criminal," he said.

He added: "This case has taken on a life of its own because of Mr. Simpson's involvement. You know that. I know that. Every cooperator, every person who had a gun, every person who had an ulterior motive, every person who signed a book deal, every person who got paid money, the police, the district attorney's office, is only interested in one thing: Mr. Simpson."
Guilty the first time (should have received the death sentence), guilty now. Hope he does spend the rest of his life in prison. You can bet though it'll be in a protected "VIP" area away from the general populace.
Guilty the first time (should have received the death sentence), guilty now. Hope he does spend the rest of his life in prison. You can bet though it'll be in a protected "VIP" area away from the general populace.

That sad soul will be in "Protective Custody" aka "Punk City"

Guilty the first time (should have received the death sentence), guilty now. Hope he does spend the rest of his life in prison. You can bet though it'll be in a protected "VIP" area away from the general populace.

He'll be out in five years.
Guilty Verdict

I can not help but wonder if the fact that this was not in California, made a difference. People seperated from the Kingdon of Kalifornia seem to be less concerned about what is politically correct and have a little more common sense about what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, having money and fame means that this will drag on a long while before he looks at any serious time in prison. :pleasantry::yes2:
That's what happens when you DON'T hold a "Hollywood" trial in Hollywood. We get s**t done down here! LOL

I'm caloused to that evil bastard so I hope he never makes it out of jail.:nono: Sorry (not really) if that hurts anyones feelings.
Put is hisman where the sun don't shine.:wacko: Seems to be alot of this from people of color.Be strong be proud be free be quiet.:big_boss:
At least Obama didn't kill anyone. Him being president isn't nearly as bad as someone killing two humans and getting away with it.

I'm not 100% convinced that he did it. If he was involved in the killing, he had to have had help. I find it odd that they weren't able to find any co-conspiritors.

I do find it very eerie that he gets convicted of another crime on the 13th anniversary of his initial accquital.

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I'm not 100% convinced that he did it. If he was involved in the killing, he had to have had help. I find it odd that they weren't able to find any co-conspiritors.

I do find it very eerie that he gets convicted of another crime on the 13th anniversary of his initial accquital.


He did it. However, between his all star defense team and the incompetence of the prosecution, he was guaranteed to go free. The legal system in this country really does favor those with money, regardless of one's race. I know that me and most of you on this board probably wouldn't have been able to win in the face of all that evidence.
That's what happens when you DON'T hold a "Hollywood" trial in Hollywood. We get s**t done down here! LOL

I'm caloused to that evil bastard so I hope he never makes it out of jail.:nono: Sorry (not really) if that hurts anyones feelings.

doesn't hurt mine.. he should have been locked up 13 years ago.
doesn't hurt mine.. he should have been locked up 13 years ago.

Well, I think they're gonna make an example out of him this time around. Originally I felt that he'd get a slap on the wrist, but the more and more aI think about it, I think it's gonna be the other way around. I continue to hold out hope that if Michael Jackson gets busted doing something again that he too will be imprisoned, rightfully so.
I'm not 100% convinced that he did it. If he was involved in the killing, he had to have had help. I find it odd that they weren't able to find any co-conspiritors.

I do find it very eerie that he gets convicted of another crime on the 13th anniversary of his initial accquital.gf

Glock Fan, I was borderline also until he attempted to have his book published. Supposedly a fictional account of how he would have committed the murders it turned out to be more of a confession, at least that's what those who had a chance to read it said.
Well, I think they're gonna make an example out of him this time around. Originally I felt that he'd get a slap on the wrist, but the more and more aI think about it, I think it's gonna be the other way around. I continue to hold out hope that if Michael Jackson gets busted doing something again that he too will be imprisoned, rightfully so.

glad to see it was not just a smack on the wrist.. hopefully it will be more like a smack on the butt by big bubba.
as for our good friend/pedafile Michael Jackson, well, maybe he can share a cell with OJ and bubba.

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