Nypd Can’t Keep Track Of Theirs


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In police officer's private collection no doubt.



BELLEVUE, WA – Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg should “mind his own store before telling others how to operate theirs,” said the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, after an audit found that the New York Police Department lost track of dozens of guns in its own storage lockers.

“While this guy has been bullying gun dealers around the country about so-called ‘slip-shod’ operations,” chuckled CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “his own police department seems to be slipping quite a bit on its own. Bloomberg needs to back off, shut up and get his own house in order before telling others how to operate.”

According to the New York Times, “nearly one out of three handguns and rifles that had been turned in to the police could not be immediately accounted for in a Manhattan property clerk’s office.”

“We’re waiting for Bloomberg to send a team of undercover vigilante investigators down there to find out what’s wrong,” Gottlieb said. “Can one of his infamous lawsuits be far behind?”

Bloomberg dispatched non-police “investigators” to run stings on gun shops in several states more than two years ago, ostensibly to show how easy it is to illegally obtain guns in other states. He then sued gun dealers in five states. This rogue operation landed the mayor’s office in hot water with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for jeopardizing on-going legitimate investigations. Ultimately the Justice Department warned the mayor not to pull that stunt again.

“If Mayor Bloomberg wants to find mismanagement of a firearms inventory,” Gottlieb stated, “he doesn’t need to send goon squads to Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia or anywhere outside of his jurisdiction. All he really needs is to do is visit the police property room in Manhattan and turn his lawyers loose.

“It’s a pity that Bloomberg can’t lose his arrogant attitude as easily as his cops can lose track of their gun inventory,” he concluded.

why not provide a link?

I've seen this same CCRKBA message sent out on multiple forums, including a direct e-mail to me. Unfortunately, there is <b>no link to the original information</b>. I'm always suspicious of messages without links -- it's awfully easy to provide a link, after all. Anyway, providing the link would give us more ammo when we discuss the topic with the unwashed, as such folk tend to revere, in particular, the NY Times, which is supposedly the source of this information.
I've seen this same CCRKBA message sent out on multiple forums, including a direct e-mail to me. Unfortunately, there is <b>no link to the original information</b>. I'm always suspicious of messages without links -- it's awfully easy to provide a link, after all. Anyway, providing the link would give us more ammo when we discuss the topic with the unwashed, as such folk tend to revere, in particular, the NY Times, which is supposedly the source of this information.

Here ya go

+1 HK. They are not lost just been added the police personal collections

I was going to say sold on the street but a cop would never sell a gun to a felon.......... oh wait........

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