NY Bill S04338/A04441 Personalized Firearms


New member
Could someone explain to me what lines 29-30 mean and how this would be even possible?

"a firearm must be personalized so that it can be fired only when operated by that firearm's authorized use"

And why haven't I heard about S04338 in any SCOPENY or NRA-ILA alerts?
"Smart Guns"

Could someone explain to me what lines 29-30 mean and how this would be even possible?

"a firearm must be personalized so that it can be fired only when operated by that firearm's authorized use"

And why haven't I heard about S04338 in any SCOPENY or NRA-ILA alerts?

I don't know what "lines 29-30" is since I didn't read the Bill, but they are refering to a handgun that only allows the owner to use it. Now the tricky part is that the device/s embedded in the gun will activate via radio signal, some sort of recognition sensor(personalized hand grip) or other doo-hickey that could recognize the owner and thereby turning your gun on:hang3: Better make sure you keep fresh batteries in your 1911, hahahaha.

NY Senators have way too much time on their hands, jeesh!!

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