NV CCW Permit Holders Forum

The Nevada Sheriffs & Chiefs Ass'n will host a NV CCW permit holders forum date on September 10, 2008. Time 1:30 p.m. (Note this was originally scheduled for August 5, but recently changed to September 10.)

This year the event will be hosted in Las Vegas with a videoconference link to Carson City.

Carson City location: Nevada Assembly bldg; exact room unknown right now; perhaps it will be room 4100. But it won't be hard to find - walk in the Assembly front door and check the monitor or ask at the desk.

All CCW permit holders and interested parties are encouraged to attend and make your voice heard on the issues.

If you're unable to attend, you can view/listen to the proceeding via the internet. I don't yet know the exact web address but you can may find it here: Nevada Legislature then click on "Live Meetings - Listen or View"

Last year was the first forum of this kind and it was beneficial.

If you are unable to attend and have comments/questions you would like addressed, contact:

Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association Office:

Frank Adams, Executive Director
P.O. Box 3247
Mesquite NV 89024
(866) 266-9870
FAX (702) 345-3565

NSCA website: Link Removed
The Nevada Sheriffs & Chiefs Ass'n will host a NV CCW permit holders forum date on September 10, 2008. Time 1:30 p.m. (Note this was originally scheduled for August 5, but recently changed to September 10.)

This year the event will be hosted in Las Vegas with a videoconference link to Carson City.

Carson City location: Nevada Assembly bldg; exact room unknown right now; perhaps it will be room 4100. But it won't be hard to find - walk in the Assembly front door and check the monitor or ask at the desk.

All CCW permit holders and interested parties are encouraged to attend and make your voice heard on the issues.

If you're unable to attend, you can view/listen to the proceeding via the internet. I don't yet know the exact web address but you can may find it here: Nevada Legislature then click on "Live Meetings - Listen or View"

Last year was the first forum of this kind and it was beneficial.

If you are unable to attend and have comments/questions you would like addressed, contact:

Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association Office:

Frank Adams, Executive Director
P.O. Box 3247
Mesquite NV 89024
(866) 266-9870
FAX (702) 345-3565

NSCA website: Link Removed

I would love to be there for that, but work is going to prevent that.
I know of nothing at this time preventing me from being there and I would like to attend.

Do you know the location in Vegas?
I don't yet know the location in Vegas. But I bet a call to Mr Adams would get it.

If I see it, I'll post it here.
It would be at the Grant Sawyer Building across the street from Cashman Field on Washington Ave. That's where the last one was held. I was present at the last one and should be present at this one as well.
change of plans

A change in plans:
The panel will be in the Legislative Building in Carson City. It will be televised to the State Building in Las Vegas at the Legislative Offices and it will be televised over the internet on the Legislative web site.
A press release should be forthcoming.
What about Las Vegas?

I may be interested in driving from Las Vegas to Carson City if anyone wants to split gas and a room in Reno.

Otherwise I hope they will have a meeting in Las Vegas eventually.


The Nevada Sheriffs & Chiefs Ass'n will host a NV CCW permit holders forum date on September 10, 2008. Time 1:30 p.m. (Note this was originally scheduled for August 5, but recently changed to September 10.)

This year the event will be hosted in Las Vegas with a videoconference link to Carson City.

Carson City location: Nevada Assembly bldg; exact room unknown right now; perhaps it will be room 4100. But it won't be hard to find - walk in the Assembly front door and check the monitor or ask at the desk.

All CCW permit holders and interested parties are encouraged to attend and make your voice heard on the issues.

If you're unable to attend, you can view/listen to the proceeding via the internet. I don't yet know the exact web address but you can may find it here: Nevada Legislature then click on "Live Meetings - Listen or View"

Last year was the first forum of this kind and it was beneficial.

If you are unable to attend and have comments/questions you would like addressed, contact:

Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association Office:

Frank Adams, Executive Director
P.O. Box 3247
Mesquite NV 89024
(866) 266-9870
FAX (702) 345-3565

NSCA website: Link Removed
I may be interested in driving from Las Vegas to Carson City if anyone wants to split gas and a room in Reno.

Otherwise I hope they will have a meeting in Las Vegas eventually.
They hold it simultaneously in Vegas and Carson City as they do with any other state wide open meeting or forum. The two locations are video conferenced in together. Vegas sees what's happening in Carson City and vice versa. You go to the location that's more convenient for you. Hopefully they won't hold the meeting or forum while I'm inTexas or Florida next month.
From the NRA-ILA:

Please Attend Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Concealed Cary Forum!
Please Make Plans to Attend This Important Meeting!

The Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs' Association will be holding the second annual Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit holders' Forum on Wednesday, September 10 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. It will be held at the Nevada Legislature Building at 401 S. Carson Street in Carson City, in room 3138. This meeting will be teleconferenced to the Grant Sawyer Building at 555 E. Washington Blvd. in room 4401 in Las Vegas.

The meeting will also be broadcast on the Nevada Legislature's website at www.leg.state.nv.us. For those members who can't attend the meeting, questions can be submitted prior to the event via email to Frank Adams at [email protected] or mailed to the NSCA at P.O. Box 3247 Mesquite, NV 89024.

Last year, hundreds of NRA members attended the meeting and were given an opportunity to provide much-needed input regarding the administration of the CCW permitting process. It is vital that the pro-gun community participate in this important forum - please take the time to show your support for Right to Carry in Nevada!
Do you know if the issue of qualifying with semiautomatics will be a topic of discussion?
That was addressed during the last meeting. Bernie Anderson is the Assemblyperson that shot down that change to the NV CFP statute. As the Assembly Judiciary Chairman, he has the power to table any bills pertaining to NV CFP or firearms in general as they have to go through that committee to make it to the Assembly floor for a vote. Last session it was either take the any revolver or lose recognition due to some last minute work by State Senator John Lee to get Anderson to kick the bill out of Committee by leaving the semi-auto qualification requirements as is.

The only way to get the specific semi-auto pistol qualification requirement to get Anderson voted out of office. Since he is a lame duck if he gets reelected, no telling what chaos he's going to cause this time around.
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That was addressed during the last meeting. Bernie Anderson is the Assemblyperson that shot down that change to the NV CFP statute. As the Assembly Judiciary Chairman, he has the power to table any bills pertaining to NV CFP or firearms in general as they have to go through that committee to make it to the Assembly floor for a vote. Last session it was either take the any revolver or lose recognition due to some last minute work by State Senator John Lee to get Anderson to kick the bill out of Committee by leaving the semi-auto qualification requirements as is.

The only way to get the specific semi-auto pistol qualification requirement to get Anderson voted out of office. Since he is a lame duck if he gets reelected, no telling what chaos he's going to cause this time around.

I certainly agree that Bernie is dangerous and needs to be voted out of office!

However, we'll again try for "any semi auto" in 2009.

The good news: Bernie was the only person in the world that opposed the change. Even the NSCA supported the change.
I certainly agree that Bernie is dangerous and needs to be voted out of office!

However, we'll again try for "any semi auto" in 2009.

The good news: Bernie was the only person in the world that opposed the change. Even the NSCA supported the change.
And he one of the people who can stop it next session. The Judiciary Committee chairs are the most powerful posts in the State legislature with respect to firearm legislation.

Even semi-auto and caliber would be a better change over any specific semi-auto. Perhaps it can be changed to that if Bernie is still in office. Another note is for LEOSA, a retire LEO only needs to qualify with any revolver and any semi-auto pistol.
I certainly agree that Bernie is dangerous and needs to be voted out of office!

However, we'll again try for "any semi auto" in 2009.

The good news: Bernie was the only person in the world that opposed the change. Even the NSCA supported the change.

It's unfortunate that it only takes one or two rotten apples to ruin the whole barrel. I wouldn't mind seeing the semiauto qualification change. It would be a heck of a lot easier for CCW instructors when they teach their intitial permit and renewal courses. The time they save alone would make it worth it for them.
And he one of the people who can stop it next session. The Judiciary Committee chairs are the most powerful posts in the State legislature with respect to firearm legislation.

Even semi-auto and caliber would be a better change over any specific semi-auto. Perhaps it can be changed to that if Bernie is still in office. Another note is for LEOSA, a retire LEO only needs to qualify with any revolver and any semi-auto pistol.

I watched the Forum on the net today. It was informative and interesting. I was happy to hear that the NSCA supports the semiauto issue and the NICS exemption.
I too watched. Very interesting.

Very good points made.

My questions about what I observed are: Are they really going to push to bring our CCW permit inline with the background checks?

Does the committee really think that the counties are NOT asking for serial numbers? Pershing county does.

Pershing will not let you list more than two weapons on your permit. Pershing only let me "register" my two semi's, and not my revolver, even though I qualified with a revolver. So I carry a copy of my qualification certificate just in case.

I too watched. Very interesting.

Very good points made.

My questions about what I observed are: Are they really going to push to bring our CCW permit inline with the background checks?

Does the committee really think that the counties are NOT asking for serial numbers? Pershing county does.

Pershing will not let you list more than two weapons on your permit. Pershing only let me "register" my two semi's, and not my revolver, even though I qualified with a revolver. So I carry a copy of my qualification certificate just in case.


While the forum was informative, it did make it clear to me that the NSCA is not totally aware of their members' actions. They are misinformed on some things such as serial numbers and CCW instructor policies.

I was surprised to hear about some of the CCW training changes such as demonstrating ability to handle a firearm. I did not understand the shooting position thing. Although I can still work out a little bit, my knees are not in the best of shape and I have had back surgery. Whatever is required, I will do what I can.
While the forum was informative, it did make it clear to me that the NSCA is not totally aware of their members' actions. They are misinformed on some things such as serial numbers and CCW instructor policies.

I was surprised to hear about some of the CCW training changes such as demonstrating ability to handle a firearm. I did not understand the shooting position thing. Although I can still work out a little bit, my knees are not in the best of shape and I have had back surgery. Whatever is required, I will do what I can.

The Douglas County Undersheriff sort of put his foot in his mouth with the statement regarding shooting positions. I attribute it to nothing more than a simple faux pas. Firearm training for LEOs are totally different than for civilians since the mindset is personal protection. The mindset for LEOs is public safety. LEOs are also required to apprehend subjects. You're trying to get career LEOs to think along the lines of what's reasonable for a civilian. Civilians are not required to and in fact it's discouraged that you do. I have trained people in scooters and wheelchairs. If they can hit the target at 3, 5 and 7 yards using the present NVSCA qualification standards for NV CFPs, as far as I'm concerned they're good.

Also keep in mind that many of these qualifications occur on an indoor range where you can't do anything other than standing or perhaps sitting.

They are also not also entirely aware of the law.

The two big issues I have was the their knowledge of non-resident permits.

Nevada has a statutory definition of residency which is NRS 482.103. If you are required to get a NV DL and NV plates on your vehicle you are a Nevada resident and therefore may be summoned to serve on a jury in Nevada. If you're a NV resident, you're required to get a NV CFP within 60 days of establishing residency.

Derringers. If you have qualified with any revolver, you are automatically authorized to carry any single or double barrel derringer per NRS 202.3653. What it should be is semi-auto and other rather than revolvers to remove the confusion.

If the NVSCA is going to hold everything to the higher background check standard Nevada with the State Criminal Repository then our CFPs need to be NICS exempt.