

New member
I was just wondering how many people that use this site are actually members of the NRA. I am,but I also realize there are many gun owners that are not. We all use our firearms for different purposes,hunting,plinking,self defense. Whether we use bolt actions,single shots,semi auto,full auto,handguns or long guns. We all need to be members of the NRA. While some may say the NRA is extreme in its views,others say it is not extreme enough. It is after all the ONLY voice we as gun owners have. Its a small price to pay,most people spend the yearly dues on cokes in a two week period. I hope this site has a 100% membership in the NRA. If you're not or know someone who is a gun owner and isnt a member,explain to them the importance of being a memeber.
I am a member of the NRA and I am also a member of Gun Owners of America. Both are important to be a member of and I was a GOA member long before joining the NRA