NRA: Update on Pro-Gun Legislation in Arizona!

Monday, May 12, 2008

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House Bill 2389, the measure that clarifies where an individual may carry a firearm visibly or concealed in a mode of transportation other than public transit, is slated to be heard in the Senate Committee of the Whole tomorrow, May 13. It is vital that you continue to contact your State Senator and remind him or her that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to lawfully transport a firearm in their vehicle. To find your State Senator please click here.

House Bill 2634, which would allow for a person whose civil rights have been restored to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm within certain restrictions, was voted out of the Senate Rules Committee. Thank you to all NRA members who contacted the members of the committee and pushed for this bill to receive a fair hearing - your calls and emails were very effective. Please also take a moment to contact the Senate Rules Committee Chairman, State Senator Jay Tibshraeny, and thank him for moving the bill before the deadline passed. His office number is (602) 926-4481 and his email address is: [email protected] .

Also, House Bill 2629, a measure that clarifies how and when a firearm may be displayed for defensive purposes, passed out of the Senate on Third Reading by a vote of 19 to 7 and is now headed to the House for concurrence on technical amendments. If all goes well, HB2629 will pass out of the House this week and will be on its way to the Governor!
Arizona is already one of America's most gun-friendly states, and is poised to be an even better one if these laws pass. Between the great weather and gun laws, there is probably no other place in America I can say I'd rather retire to. I'm so jealous!
I hear 'ya! I just moved here to Tucson, AZ from the horrible state of NJ.....where 'ya can't even fire a spitball!
I already have my eye on my new Glock 23 Kit. Like you said...the weather here is great.....I can open or conceal carry.....the people here are great. Glad I retired here. I Love it.


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