NRA traning classes,Basic Handgun,inside/outside the home.


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The NRA says after passing the training you will receive a certificate that can be framed. I have been unable to find any photos of what they look like. Has anyone taken any or all of the classes listed in the title and passed them? If so can you post a photo/photos of the certificate's?

Check out the website Manchester Firing Line Range, LLC.. I saw a nice specimen of the NRA Personal Protection course. I found the site by doing a Google image serarch using the term "NRA training certificate".


That's so messed up lol. I was on that site last month for a few things and the photo was not on that page must have been a newer add. I think the reason why none came up before was that I entered in "NRA Certificate" left out the training part but TY for the find.
if you would like i can take a picture of the basic pistol course certificate. i would be willing to answer any other questions about the pistol classes as well.
My wife and I have taken the RSO course and the Certificates are very nice. You will also get new NRA id cards that state what courses you've taken on the back.
I'm not saying it's so.. It's just funny how the post is written.. It sounds like you are more interested in the certificate than the training..

"I can't get this darn thing (pistol) to work, but look at that nice certificate on the wall!!!":sarcastic:
Hubby and I will be taking our NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home this coming February 27, then the Outside the Home Protection next month in March. So we do not know how the certificates looks like. Our basic pistol certificate is different from our CCW certificate.

Just out of curiousity, why are you interested on how they look like?

I was more interested in the rocker than the paper certificate...I thought it just looked cool...:biggrin:

This is my Basic Pistol Cert and Rocker. I didnt get an NRA card...?


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