HillBilly New member Dec 6, 2008 #1 If this is not the appropriate place to post this, please let me know. It seems like this is a pretty good deal. Free NRA member ship with a magazine subscription only $17.76 Link Removed
If this is not the appropriate place to post this, please let me know. It seems like this is a pretty good deal. Free NRA member ship with a magazine subscription only $17.76 Link Removed
D DJ58 New member Dec 7, 2008 #2 I believe the normal charge is 35 a year, I go thou my conservation club and they receive a kick back. so under 18 would be a good deal.
I believe the normal charge is 35 a year, I go thou my conservation club and they receive a kick back. so under 18 would be a good deal.
R ronwill * Dec 7, 2008 #3 American Handgunner is a good magazine and, if they're willing to pay for a one year NRA membership, I say go for it. In the coming years we're going to need all the numbers we can to stop anti 2A bills such as an enhanced AWB from passing.
American Handgunner is a good magazine and, if they're willing to pay for a one year NRA membership, I say go for it. In the coming years we're going to need all the numbers we can to stop anti 2A bills such as an enhanced AWB from passing.
tattedupboy Thank God I'm alive! Dec 9, 2008 #4 Good info, Hillbilly. I don't see why this would be moved to another forum.