Sooooooo back again with another work related issue. I have the NRA logo as my desktop background. It has been there for a while now. I am now being forced to take it down because that is "offensive to some". I think this is total BS however my only options are: suck it up and take it down....leave it up and face disciplinary actions....argue it with HR (mind you my company is pretty much an OBAMA nation in itself). Pretty much a pick and choose your battles type of thing. However, I do feel like this is something they can't make me do. Others have their clubs, hobbies, political stuff on theirs and I am the only one being asked to take it down. Just wanted to let you guys know how crazy this stuff gets here in PRMA. How is the NRA offensive? Not sure I get that. Next Obama picture I see I am complaining Big TIME! Haha that’s the little kid in me..