NRA Logo

Sooooooo back again with another work related issue. I have the NRA logo as my desktop background. It has been there for a while now. I am now being forced to take it down because that is "offensive to some". I think this is total BS however my only options are: suck it up and take it down....leave it up and face disciplinary actions....argue it with HR (mind you my company is pretty much an OBAMA nation in itself). Pretty much a pick and choose your battles type of thing. However, I do feel like this is something they can't make me do. Others have their clubs, hobbies, political stuff on theirs and I am the only one being asked to take it down. Just wanted to let you guys know how crazy this stuff gets here in PRMA. How is the NRA offensive? Not sure I get that. Next Obama picture I see I am complaining Big TIME! Haha that’s the little kid in me..
Little kid or not, I'm personally sickened at the very image of that lying Kenyan dork - so I know if they posted bHo pics or references, I'd object. I'd probably puke right on their Berkenstocks.

Political and social (in)tolerance is a two-way street. If they see & recognize an NRA logo as an "offensive symbol" then they need to sterilize the work place - which sucks for everybody.

It's obviously your call, as it's your job - and a job is a precious thing to have under this regime. However, I'd still look into some NRA or other pro-rights representation to see what's available and what can be done in this matter.

Of course, the "unofficial" retribution is always a consideration too - drawing a big bullseye on your back for future reference, or torquing off the wrong HR person etc. It's a tough call to make for sure - but a workplace shouldn't feel like a repressive culture. (You can't express yourself or post your own things, while being subjected to crap from those who adamently oppose your views - that's unacceptable in my perspective.)

I'd encourage you to maintain the "high ground" on every level, while not just lying down and being a door mat either. The liberal left love when they can casterate the "strong right" with BS threats and legal crap. Ironically, they don't see their behavior is exactly what they SAY they're against...

Tolerance my @$$....
Sooooooo back again with another work related issue. I have the NRA logo as my desktop background. It has been there for a while now. I am now being forced to take it down because that is "offensive to some". I think this is total BS however my only options are: suck it up and take it down....leave it up and face disciplinary actions....argue it with HR (mind you my company is pretty much an OBAMA nation in itself). Pretty much a pick and choose your battles type of thing. However, I do feel like this is something they can't make me do. Others have their clubs, hobbies, political stuff on theirs and I am the only one being asked to take it down. Just wanted to let you guys know how crazy this stuff gets here in PRMA. How is the NRA offensive? Not sure I get that. Next Obama picture I see I am complaining Big TIME! Haha that’s the little kid in me..

Similar issue where I work, someone complained that conversations discussing recent trips to range, talking about our equipment, and such were 'offending' some people. Just ended up giving similar complaints about them, when they would discuss anything (food, home, children, hygiene, whatever the subject of the day). Then we started complaining about the level of perfume worn. After a while, HR told everyone to 'get reasonable'. Haven't had any further problems...
Replace it with this one.

Link Removed

After a few weeks with this one they will gladly let you change it out with the NRA logo.
I feel your pain.....

Were I in your position, I would remove the logo, but I would require them to state the reason for the order in writing. Then, document in hand, I would scour that office from one end to the other. If the reasoning behind their censure is good enough for one, it should be good enough for all.

I would also contact the ACLU and ask for some legal assistance. That is what they are there for, according to them.

Good luck, my friend.
I am SOOOO glad My boss and all 3 of my co-workers are pro 2A! Otherwise, I have a hard time minding my tongue.

I like Boom's suggestion. Take yours down (after a written order to do so), then gripe about everyone else's "offensive" pictures, decorations, Obama bobblehead dolls, etc. It likely won't even have to make it to the ACLU.

In the meantime, replace it with this:
Link Removed
Take it down and replace it with JPFO home page or LOGO then if someone objects you can accuse them of being anti-semitic.:pleasantry: Or maybe the Pink Pistols logo then they would be intolerant.
We get the "it's our property and it sucks for you" message that you have to agree to, just to log on to your computater everyday. There are Obimbo family portraits hanging EVERYWHERE. I just stay in my area where it is an official Obimbo free gun zone.
I'd eat Taco Bell, slim jims and chug milk all day for a couple weeks - and "cook 'em off" all day long, to keep the liberal antis well away from my work space... they wouldn't be able to see offensive signs or pics through the putrid haze... :bad:
HAHA I like your responses. I have replaced it with the Second Amendment in FULL view and a "Don't Tread on Me" flag. I asked for writing, they don't want to give it. I said "then it shall go back up". I complained about the Obama pictures...."thats our president" I was told. This could get ugly very quickly which could result in me loosing my job. I am going to notify the NRA and other groups. I need my job so I have to be smart about what I say and do here. Just sucks I can't support a group but others can? I would love to run for political office.....i am 23 and honestly would HONOR the constitution....
Use a Gadsen Flag

Don't Tread on Me! It has no gun reference and is a historic icon of the struggle for freedom.
I'd eat Taco Bell, slim jims and chug milk all day for a couple weeks - and "cook 'em off" all day long, to keep the liberal antis well away from my work space... they wouldn't be able to see offensive signs or pics through the putrid haze... :bad:

hahaha great idea. Man just reading about this situation pisses me off. I would probably post up every fact and story about guns saving lives I could find all over my office or cubicle or whatever. and rub them in any anti's face that decided to make a stink about your NRA logo, but thats me...I wouldnt be able to work in a place like that with out choking out one or two of the liberal idiots around me everyweek.
hahaha great idea. Man just reading about this situation pisses me off. I would probably post up every fact and story about guns saving lives I could find all over my office or cubicle or whatever. and rub them in any anti's face that decided to make a stink about your NRA logo, but thats me...I wouldnt be able to work in a place like that with out choking out one or two of the liberal idiots around me everyweek.

it is not easy I must say. This isn't my first issue with this. I was talking to a friend here about shooting at the range (he shoots) and someone complained to HR and I was told to stop. I argued with my managerback and forth and decided it was best to just take it down. I see this type of stuff here in PRMA allll the time
This whole situation in our country is totally getting out of hand. Why is ok for some to display and others like us we get told that we're not allowed. When is someone going to protest this act of BS. Not to mention why is it that all businesses do not want to get involved......they all act as though they are afraid. I'm sick of it. But I do understand that you need your job, I do as well.....I would call NRA like you said and inquire about it.
I have to be careful where I work as well. I'd estimate 85 percent of my fellow workers are democrats and/or libs.

Love the "Don't Tread on Me" idea. "Live Free or Die" is good too.

BHO has go to go.
I'd estimate 85 percent of my fellow workers are democrats and/or libs.

I'd say that is probably accurate for my place as well. However, we have a good sprinkling of ex-military in the staff as well. One supervisor is an Iraq war vet(got a Purple Heart too.) My direct sup emailed the team about a camping and shooting weekend he took. He's invited me to go next time around too.

There are NRA magazines left in the "library" for people to grab reading material when they're bored. Nobody's thrown them out, and I even saw one left on the I know they're being read.

Back to the OP's situation: HR may simply be following the path of least resistance. The fact that they don't want to document it seems to point to the feeling that they think it's ridiculous too, but they want to be seen as "doing something."

I've seen some good examples of fighting fire with fire. Get "offended." Complain. Give HR something to do to mess with anything you suddenly find offensive. Like one example mentioned here, perhaps they'll come to their senses and just tell people "GET REAL!"

Otherwise, If you're in a state that lists political affiliation as a "protected class" then you can probably sue if you're fired. If not, then you need to consider whether you can take the firing/unemployment/finding a new job.
Sooooooo back again with another work related issue. I have the NRA logo as my desktop background. It has been there for a while now. I am now being forced to take it down because that is "offensive to some". I think this is total BS however my only options are: suck it up and take it down....leave it up and face disciplinary actions....argue it with HR (mind you my company is pretty much an OBAMA nation in itself). Pretty much a pick and choose your battles type of thing. However, I do feel like this is something they can't make me do. Others have their clubs, hobbies, political stuff on theirs and I am the only one being asked to take it down. Just wanted to let you guys know how crazy this stuff gets here in PRMA. How is the NRA offensive? Not sure I get that. Next Obama picture I see I am complaining Big TIME! Haha that’s the little kid in me..

I feel your pain but, to cheer you up a little I'm from New Jersey. You want to talk about an Obama nation it's sickening. I always where my NRA Don't tread on me hat around town and all eyes are on me. People with their Obama shirts and bumper stickers. I even where it in work which is a military base. I get looks but, nothing about taking it off yet. A few people around here have their Don't Tread on me stuff on but, not many. I am waiting for them to tell me. To be honest I have a family and a mortgage so I'll probably do what they tell me. The problem is there are people out there with our beliefs but, are afraid to express them. Believe me I know I have had people whisper in my ear that they like the hat and what it stands for. I am not prepared to lose my job. It’s a lost cause if it’s me against a large defense contractor. So until people grow a pair and join the cause we are defenseless. So you did your part by putting up something you believe in now you need your NRA family to back you up. People don’t want to cause waves. I am doing my part by wearing my hats and shirts and I even express my opinion. I am not afraid. I still show my backing of George Bush and future President Sarah Palin. I am in the big minority here and honestly will keep going till they tell me to stop. I will fight if I have a backing which here in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey I am on my own.

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