NRA Classes in Clovis


New member
Just got an email from Patriot Outdoors listing tentative plans for hosting NRA training classes. If anyone is interested, be sure to sign up so all the classes can be offered. The following is taken from the Patriot newsletter:

"NRA Counselor to Conduct Training at Patriot Outdoors

In a response from several Patriot Outdoors members we are looking at bringing in a NRA Counselor to teach the following classes. We need to have at least 10 people to justify bringing him out so if you are interested in any of these classes please let us know. The following classes are going to be tentatively offered over the next few months.

* Home Firearms Safety (and Basic Instructor Training)
* Basic Pistol
* Basic Rifle
* Basic Shotgun
* Range Safety Officer
* Personal Protection Inside the Home
* Personal Protection Outside the Home (Student)
* Personal Protection Outside the Home (Instructor)

These classes will run between $100 to $200 per class and will most likely be conducted on the weekends to accommodate as many students as possible."