~Now 'This' Is What I Call "Fishing"~

These are insane fish. I work on a towboat, in the warmer months these fish will jump as high as ten feet, as far as I've seen. Every couple hours you have to walk around the boat and kick them off the deck.
These are insane fish. I work on a towboat, in the warmer months these fish will jump as high as ten feet, as far as I've seen. Every couple hours you have to walk around the boat and kick them off the deck.

I believe it!
I saw a recent episode of 'Hillbilly Handfishing' and while they where Noodling for catfish one of these asian carp leaped right out of the water and gave one of the poor girls a black eye.
It was crazy! LOL
I live in indiana and we have the asain carp on the wabash river. We love to take our bows and cruise the river and shoot em. Carp skeet is what we call it. I got a bruise one day from one hitting me in the shoulder, it was the size of a softball.
Flippin Chinese carp. Invasive species. There needs to be a season for dynamite fishing! Too bad dynamite would do the other species a bad time!

I really like the net catching and the gear they're wearing!
Wow! I've seen those flying carp on Swamp People but never knew that they are such a problem. That's ridiculous. Why isn't the game dept. on that? I mean they could shock them and net them out. They ought to make good cat food. :laugh:

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