Not allowed to CCW at work.....


New member
Got to vent here!! Just got home from work, had to stop to fill up with gas at local station when I was told they were just robbed! If there had not been some snow on the road I would have gotten there earlier and then what?!? My work will net allow me to have any firearms in my vehical.....big surprise! This is realy sad.

P.S. I forgot to mention..... there were 2 State Highway cruisers behind the store when it happened. They still did not know what happened when I pulled in!
Always Remember!

:DWhen seconds count....

Got to vent here!! Just got home from work, had to stop to fill up with gas at local station when I was told they were just robbed! If there had not been some snow on the road I would have gotten there earlier and then what?!? My work will net allow me to have any firearms in my vehical.....big surprise! This is realy sad.

P.S. I forgot to mention..... there were 2 State Highway cruisers behind the store when it happened. They still did not know what happened when I pulled in!

The police may be on a doughnut break!:D
Is your job worth your life? In my line of work we are expected to lay in on the line and we do but your average Joe Civilian I should not be expected to risk his life over his job. I wonder if your employer, given the recent robbery and the possiblity of an execution style robbery, has considered he may be condeming his employees to death. You might want to start looking for a new line of work.
My employer doesn't allow it either. I think (not very fond of my employer) they would much prefer I get shot than shoot someone. They would not feel responsible if I got shot. However, if I shot someone trying to kill me they might get sued. Just my opinion.
I'm not "allowed to carry" either, but I do. My company is very gun friendly, and nobody really cares. The policy comes from "on high"...the parent company. I was there for a month when I first started, and I carried there too. Sad thing is, there's no Gunbuster sign at either location. Good luck to those of you who's check comes from places less lenient than mine.
I feel for your predicament. I'm sorry If I had a job that wouldn't allow me to have a weapon in my vehicle I'd do it anyway. I still have to drive to and from work and I'd have one for that. I'd rather be alive and looking for a job than being dead!
Yeah I had an employer that did not allow firearms in the facility, but you could keep it in the car so I would lock, N set the security system on my vehicle then ASAP I would CCW when I entered my vehicle (many times late at night) now this is mostly the "don't ask" rule of many work places.

If the company ever did ask to inspect my vehicle I was prepared to do the "Get a Search warrant" move. Where as they would have had to call a police officer, and I would simply get in my PU and leave for home. By the time they caught up with me I would be in my driveway and on my own legal terms, not there's and since I am fully legal the officer would have nothing to report.

Granted they may try to suspend me for some invented charge, I would have filed (always kept a good lawyer in my speed dial) counter charges of harassment, but then that is what the union if for.
Once you are age 45 or older you are protected by a Federal Law that keeps your employer form messing with you as long as your previous work record is without any serious flaws.
My employer doesn't allow any fireams on the premisis - not even in the car. As luck would have it, I don't work at the main office, where the facility (and parking garage) is not owned by my employer. So, I cannot carry in the building, but I can secure it in the car. I wish the policy were different, but being owned by a company in Europe, the upper management / HR is brainwashed like most of Europe - guns are bad etc... They say that the reason they don't allow guns on site is in case someone looses their temper, goes to their car, getting their gun, and going crazy - although the only way back into the facility through a set of turnstiles and past the security office... hmmm
me too

....also can't carry at work but secure it in the car. Car storage shouldn't be an issue. Can't think of a reason where the company would want or have authority to search.
It is our company policy

not to permit firearms on the premises.According to company policy we are not allowed to have WEAPONS,of any kind on the premises,including the parking lot.It states that they may search any place they deem necessary,even my car,and they don't need my peermission.When I read this I said out loud,"No,you need a search warrant!"There are several people that work here that carry.They,and I are just discreet about it,and blatantly break the rules.I just leave it locked in the car.:cool:
You do have options!

If your employer says you can
have a firearm in your vehicle while in the company parking lot, you might want to consider having one of the vehicle lock boxes bolted down in the trunk of your vehicle. Your firearm is secure, out of sight, and you have the only key. Even if someone could look in it, or you have the trunk open to get some other items, it is secure and out of sight, but accessable to you. Your employer can not search your vehicle unless you give them permission, and even law enforcement must have a search warrant to search your vehicle. This option keeps your firearm close by, but no one will ever know, unless you tell them. As one man list on his postings, always carry, never tell.:cool:
Yup, you're not alone... the only thing wrong with my job is I can't replace the pay, too many years invested as well. Got myself a Center of Mass Gun Safe and I park off company property because they CAN search your vehicle if parked on company property where I work. It's the best I can do. :(
My employer also has a "no weapons" on the premises policy. Just to make it worse, I'm fairly certain the policy contradicts state law, since my employer is ultimately state owned, and it is legal to carry on all state property that is not a "secured area" in UT. I know we should carry eveywhere, but I don't feel the urge to at my workplace, I'm really not concerned when I'm there. However, what I keep in my car is my business. I certainly don't want to get fired for it, but I guess that's a situation I'd be willing to deal with in the very unlikely event it ever became an issue.
Be very careful

on what you think your boss can and cannot do.

They can have a company policy against employees carrying firearms at work which has nothing to do with posting the premises. While they cannot prosecute you for trespass or the violation, they can terminate you "for cause" which will cost you unemployment benefits in most states. If it is in their policy manual, properly explained/enforced and not restricted by some local ordinance you won't win a contest.

Be careful on the search and seizure rules too. Being prosecuted in court isn't their goal. If my company prohibits possession in my vehicle, I would park off their premises in a public area and walk into the building/facility. Of course, you can take your chances on discovery as well.

Many people like to talk about what their company/boss can't get away with and are surprised when they don't have a job anymore. The fact is, unless you are covered as one of the protected groups (gender, race, age, etc.) you can lose your job and usually unemployment benefits for violating company policies, no matter how unfair you think they are. By accepting the job you accept the rules which are not illegal. Even a strong union has no effect if they have approved the work rule. Your only hope there might be if they have negotiated the search and seizure right by contract or been involved in approving it in the work rules, then they might help you if the process was not followed.
Although I've never asked and have never been told, I'd imagine that both of my employers, and probably my school, do not take kindly to the idea of cars in the parking lot having loaded weapons in them. However, this should never come up as an issue, because no one should have a reason to look in my car.
"Once you are age 45 or older you are protected by a Federal Law that keeps your employer form messing with you as long as your previous work record is without any serious flaws."

I've never heard this one before, where can I find the statute?
Over the years I have worked a number of jobs that did not allow me to carry. Did that stop me? Well lets just say that the saying that I live by is "Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6".
Part of Texas' recently passed Castle bill give us the right to carry in/to protect our vehicles as well as our homes. They ruled that a parking lot is not considered 'premises'. My place of employment has posted "NO WEAPONS" and also has a procedure in place that prohibits from carrying on premises.
In my CHL class someone questioned if with the same senerio they could get by, since the proper verbage was not used. The instructor said, "Sure, but your company has the right to fire you for not following procedure."
So what to do? (Hint: keep 'em under the seat and remember concealed means concealed.)
Got to vent here!! Just got home from work, had to stop to fill up with gas at local station when I was told they were just robbed! If there had not been some snow on the road I would have gotten there earlier and then what?!? My work will net allow me to have any firearms in my vehical.....big surprise! This is realy sad.

P.S. I forgot to mention..... there were 2 State Highway cruisers behind the store when it happened. They still did not know what happened when I pulled in!

There have been several cases I've read about that, in a nutshell, make it illegal for your workplace to stop you from keeping a firearm in your car (properly stored of course). has a thread about this. I'm no lawyer so check with one first, but I really doubt they can stop you.:cool:

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