Northern AZ Range Coming Soon?


New member
Associated Press - July 8, 2009 5:14 PM ET

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) - State officials are in talks with the Coconino National Forest to acquire a piece of land for a northern Arizona shooting range.

Coconino spokesman Brady Smith said Wednesday that forest officials are awaiting a written proposal from the state Department of Game and Fish before doing any work on the site south of Flagstaff.

Game and Fish commissioners have directed the department to also look at two alternate sites on forest land, both of which are 30 minutes east of Flagstaff.

Flagstaff is the largest city in Arizona without a public shooting range. Area shooting groups and others have been asking Game and Fish to build a range in northern Arizona since at least 1994.

But prospective neighbors haven't always been enthusiastic about having high-powered rifles and large crowds nearby.
I thought they had settled on the site by Willard Springs, and had done some testing for noise. Now they are going back and doing more study on additional sites. Sounds like it is being studied to death. From 2007:

Shooting Sports News - Dec. 2007
Dec 17, 2007

Forest Service, Game and Fish continue discussions
on proposed Northern Arizona Regional Shooting Facility
The Coconino National Forest has accepted an Arizona Game and Fish Department proposal to continue the process for siting a public shooting range near Willard Springs Road, about 15 miles south of Flagstaff.
Officials from both agencies met on Nov. 27 to discuss activities and timelines, including preparation of a feasibility analysis report that evaluates state and federal properties that would be considered in any proposed land exchange.

The report, which would take an estimated nine months to complete, would then be reviewed by the Regional Forester.


The Willard Springs site offers desirable features, such as good freeway and road access and utility availability. The department will continue to work with the Forest Service and communicate with area residents throughout the process.

For more information on the proposed Northern Arizona Regional Shooting Facility, visit Link Removed.
Certainly would appear that way. Maybe it just seems to me it should be an easy process, since I'm on the outside looking in, and not politically or financially involved.

Nine months? Two years? "In the works?" Oy!
Yes, now they want to start the public comment process all over again with the people in Winona. I guess the people in Mund's Park weren't to happy with the idea. 10 minutes south of Flagstaff in the pines would seem to be less noise than 30 minutes east of Flag in more open country.
Looks like they've dropped the Willard Springs site now. From the Arizona Daily Sun on 8/6/09:

Arizona Game and Fish is backing away from a large shooting range proposed northwest of Munds Park and is instead eyeing a smaller location east of Flagstaff.

The agency is now considering two small areas for rifle sighting, pistols, shotgun and use of clay pigeons to the east or the north of Winona. Unlike the site proposed at Willard Springs, off Interstate 17, these would be 60-80 acres in size instead of 300 to 600 acres and wouldn't accommodate camping -- at least not at first.