North Carolina state police phone call .


New member
Just got off the phone with a NC state police captain. I was asking about bringing in a long gun into nc for a trip. I keep a shotgun in my truck for protection and it stays concealed while here in sc and was wandering if it would be ok like that in nc since I have my cwp. He said it would, and went on to say just follow all of your states rules for cwp and you will be fine. Well I see a problem. The carry laws are close to the same but there not. In nc you can't carry where charged addmission while in sc you can. and other differences also. So does that mean since I'm from sc I can carry where there is addmission charged. I have his phone number and all but I don't feel good about him saying that.
Just got off the phone with a NC state police captain. I was asking about bringing in a long gun into nc for a trip. I keep a shotgun in my truck for protection and it stays concealed while here in sc and was wandering if it would be ok like that in nc since I have my cwp. He said it would, and went on to say just follow all of your states rules for cwp and you will be fine. Well I see a problem. The carry laws are close to the same but there not. In nc you can't carry where charged addmission while in sc you can. and other differences also. So does that mean since I'm from sc I can carry where there is addmission charged. I have his phone number and all but I don't feel good about him saying that. You need to follow the laws of what ever state you happen to be in at the time...not your home state.
Yea I know. Thats what I found so amusing ! That I was told this by a captain at the state police! LEO's realy need more training in order to have the job that they have.
I didn't know that you could conceal a long gun under the premise of the CCW in NC.
Is that true?
I didn't know that you could conceal a long gun under the premise of the CCW in NC.
Is that true?

North Carolina doesn't have a CCW, it's a CCH...Concealed Carry Handgun Permit. No other guns or knives or anything besides a handgun is covered under the permit.

Guns being transported in the state can be in the trunck unloaded or loaded in a locked case. If you get stopped, you must inform the LEO that you are carrying a firearm and where it is located.
Wait till you try "But the captain said" as a defense in court!

Why do people ask cops about the law, they are not attorneys and they have absolutely no athority to "explain" the law. They "enforce" the law by making arrests based on their understanding which detains the subject until a PROCECUTOR can determine what law was violated and what charges will be filed.

If you want legal information call an NC attorney that specializes in gun law, or try the Attorney Generals office, but the opinion of a cop is just that ... an opinion and in this case potentially very wrong.
Wait till you try "But the captain said" as a defense in court!

Why do people ask cops about the law, they are not attorneys and they have absolutely no athority to "explain" the law. They "enforce" the law by making arrests based on their understanding which detains the subject until a PROCECUTOR can determine what law was violated and what charges will be filed.

If you want legal information call an NC attorney that specializes in gun law, or try the Attorney Generals office, but the opinion of a cop is just that ... an opinion and in this case potentially very wrong.

Good post...

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