Nonresident permit to carry concealed pistol


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23-7-7.4. Nonresident permit to carry concealed pistol--Validity in South Dakota-- Application. Any valid permit to carry a concealed pistol, issued to a nonresident of South Dakota, is valid in South Dakota according to the terms of its issuance in the state of its issue, but only to the extent that the terms of issuance comply with any appropriate South Dakota statute or promulgated rule. However, if the holder of such a nonresident permit to carry a concealed pistol becomes, at any time, a legal resident of South Dakota, the provisions of this section no longer apply.

I believe what this is saying is that if you are a resident of SD you cannot CCW with a non-res permit, you will have to have a SD permit.
The way it was told to me is that SD does not issue non-resident permits, but they honor the permits issued by any other state.
Even if someone becomes a South Dakota resident, they can still open carry until they get a SD permit.
yeah I confirmed with SD yesterday ... they accept all out of State Permits.. :dirol:

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