Nonresident Florida CCW Permit Has Arrived


This is for those who are interested in the nonresident Florida CCW permit application turnaround time.

I am surprised, but my nonresident Florida CCW permit was in the mail when I got home. Not a bad turnaround considering the experiences posted by others.

FYI, my application was mailed on the night of June 11. The application fee check posted to my account on June 25. Permit arrived on August 11. I did not use the electronic fingerprints..
Hello...just joined today and editing profie


I plan to do the same thing. I now live here in Las Vegas after living most of my life in CA. I got pretty fed up with the anti gun attitude there and also retired fromalmst 30 years in the Computer industry. I continue to work occasionally as a consultant but also do corporate investment and securities advise as well.

I a strong supprted of 2nd, 4th and 14th Amemdment rights and joined USACARRY today. Looking forward to be better nfornmed and participating in the forums along with my girlfriend.

My parents live in Kendal Lakes, Folrida and I want to use my guns there as well.

Take care,


I plan to do the same thing. I now live here in Las Vegas after living most of my life in CA. I got pretty fed up with the anti gun attitude there and also retired fromalmst 30 years in the Computer industry. I continue to work occasionally as a consultant but also do corporate investment and securities advise as well.

I a strong supprted of 2nd, 4th and 14th Amemdment rights and joined USACARRY today. Looking forward to be better nfornmed and participating in the forums along with my girlfriend.

My parents live in Kendal Lakes, Folrida and I want to use my guns there as well.

Take care,


Welcome to USA Carry! The more the merrier!

Luke has a good setup here, but there isn't a lot of posting like one would expect. They're great people here, though. I have learned a lot about Nevada, Florida and Utah.
How are we doing out their ? this is my first post. I'm from Michigan but was born in Birmingham,Ala. travel all the time just retired at 50 . Health fading and i wound like a permit , non-resident for florida. Detroit, Mi is very slow. any ideal out their where to start. nervier air station jaxsonvelle, nc. usmc simper-fi :pleasantry:
How are we doing out their ? this is my first post. I'm from Michigan but was born in Birmingham,Ala. travel all the time just retired at 50 . Health fading and i wound like a permit , non-resident for florida. Detroit, Mi is very slow. any ideal out their where to start. nervier air station jaxsonvelle, nc. usmc simper-fi :pleasantry:

Request the FL packet...fill it out and send it in.

Could also look at AZ's permit....about the same reciprocity...for a cheaper cost.
How are we doing out their ? this is my first post. I'm from Michigan but was born in Birmingham,Ala. travel all the time just retired at 50 . Health fading and i wound like a permit , non-resident for florida. Detroit, Mi is very slow. any ideal out their where to start. nervier air station jaxsonvelle, nc. usmc simper-fi :pleasantry:

Welcome to the site, and Semper Fi, Marine.

If you want a permit that allows concealed carry in MI, FL won't do it. While FL will issue to non-residents, Michigan will only honor reciprocity with resident permit holders.

An FL permit is useful for many states, even if you are not a resident. Use the links posted earlier in this thread, follow the directions, and you'll have your permit is a couple weeks. Just don't carry concealed in MI (carry OPENLY while you are home!). Michigan is a traditional open carry state. You may NOT open carry in a car without a permit.

Of course I would be very careful about carrying openly in the actual city of Detroit. Those poor LEOs have a lot to be paranoid about.
Did you get your fingerprints at the sheriff’s office? And did you send the card in or did they?
I have all the paperwork fromn FL, but was not sure about the fingerprinting part. Odd they don't take electronic ones, could do it like I did mine here, L1 ....

Any help will be appreciated ..
Did you get your fingerprints at the sheriff’s office? And did you send the card in or did they?
I have all the paperwork fromn FL, but was not sure about the fingerprinting part. Odd they don't take electronic ones, could do it like I did mine here, L1 ....

Any help will be appreciated ..

I read the documentation provided with the application. Nonresident applicants have to submit fingerprints from their local law enforcement office. Live Scan or electronic fingerprints are accepted for resident Florida applications only.
I read the documentation provided with the application. Nonresident applicants have to submit fingerprints from their local law enforcement office. Live Scan or electronic fingerprints are accepted for resident Florida applications only.

This is not completely correct. Certainly non-residents can obtain paper fingerprints in Florida. I called several sherrifs offices to confirm. NOTE that the applicant submits the paper prints. The LEA only provides the printing services.

Still checking if these same offices will allow a non-resident to use the electronic fingerprint services.

I obtained my FL about a year ago, so it's possible the language has changed and the sherriff have not yet changed policies. I would be surprised if that is the case.

Please quote the exact language from the application paperwork that says a non-resident must us their own local law enforcement to get printed. I just read it this morning, and I can't find anything that says that.

This is not completely correct. Certainly non-residents can obtain paper fingerprints in Florida. I called several sherrifs offices to confirm. NOTE that the applicant submits the paper prints. The LEA only provides the printing services.

Still checking if these same offices will allow a non-resident to use the electronic fingerprint services.

I obtained my FL about a year ago, so it's possible the language has changed and the sherriff have not yet changed policies. I would be surprised if that is the case.

Please quote the exact language from the application paperwork that says a non-resident must us their own local law enforcement to get printed. I just read it this morning, and I can't find anything that says that.


I think there is a slight confusion.

Non-residents may go to a FL Regional Office to have prints scanned. But a non-residents can not have his prints scanned and sent by his home state LEA.
Final word on non-resident fingerprinting in FL

It states in the 2008 license application instructions that non-residents may have their prints taken both electronically (only in FL) or on paper cards (in FL or at an out-of-state "law enforcement office"), depending on the capabilities of the Sheriff's office. However, in the latest printed application information (2010 version) the only reference to residency is pertaining to US residency, and they don't specifically address out-of-state residents and fingerprinting. I called several sheriffs offices yesterday to confirm that the still will provide printing services to out-of-state residents, both electronic and paper. All said yes.

Since it costs up to $35, you probably won't save much, if any, money. But good to know that if you are in FL you can get your prints done electronically.

If you are trying to speed up the process, it still probably isn't necessary to go to Florida. I used paper prints taken at a jail here in SC and received my license in 5 business days.

Also note that Florida now has 8 special offices set up that are dedicated to streamlining the application for your license. They will fingerprint you on the spot. See this link:
Submitting a Concealed Weapon License Application at a Division of Licensing Regional Office

Here is a quote from the 2008 version of Florida's application packet (online PDF). They specifically stated that our-of-state residents could get their prints done in Florida, from page 5 section 5 of the application instructions. Interestingly this is the same quote my friend mrjam2jab provided to me last year when I was applying for my license and had a similar question! Thanks mrjam2jab!


If you are visiting Florida from out-of-state, you can get your fingerprints scanned at a nearby sheriff's office. However, you need to be aware that if law enforcement authorities reject your scanned fingerprints because of legibility problems, the law requires you to have your prints scanned A SECOND TIME at the same sheriff's office where your prints were initially taken. If you have already left Florida and returned home and are unable to return to Florida to have your prints scanned again, you will have to submit your second set of prints on a fingerprint card using the “hard card” method. Because the format of your second fingerprint submission (paper card) will be different from the format of your first submission (digital scan), FDLE regulations require you to submit a $42 fingerprint processing fee with this second submission."
It states in the 2008 license application instructions that non-residents may have their prints taken both electronically (only in FL) or on paper cards (in FL or at an out-of-state "law enforcement office"), depending on the capabilities of the Sherriff's office. However, in the latest printed application information (2010 version) the only reference to residency is pertaining to US residency, and they don't specifically adderss out-of-state residents and fingerprinting. I called several sherriffs offices yesterday to confirm that the still will provide printing services to out-of-state residents, both electronic and paper. All said yes.

Since it costs up to $35, you probably won't save much, if any, money. But good to know that if you are in FL you can get your prints done electronically.

If you are trying to speed up the process, note that I used paper prints taken at a jail here in SC and received my license in 5 business days.

Also note that Florida now has 8 special offices set up that are dedicated to steamlining the application for your license. They will fingerprint you on the spot. See this link:
Submitting a Concealed Weapon License Application at a Division of Licensing Regional Office

Here is a quote from the 2008 version of Florida's application packet (online PDF) they specifically stated that our-of-state residents could get their prints done in Florida, from page 5 section 5 of the application instructions. Interestingly this is the same quote my friend mrjam2jab provided to me last year when I was applying for my license and had a similar question! Thanks mrjam2jab!


If you are visiting Florida from out-of-state, you can get your fingerprints scanned at a nearby sheriff's office. However, you need to be aware that if law enforcement authorities reject your scanned fingerprints because of legibility problems, the law requires you to have your prints scanned A SECOND TIME at the same sheriff's office where your prints were initially taken. If you have already left Florida and returned home and are unable to return to Florida to have your prints scanned again, you will have to submit your second set of prints on a fingerprint card using the “hard card” method. Because the format of your second fingerprint submission (paper card) will be different from the format of your first submission (digital scan), FDLE regulations require you to submit a $42 fingerprint processing fee with this second submission."

I know that nonresidents can have fingerprints taken in FL by both methods, but how many nonresidents are actually filing their applications there? Most are mailing them in from their respective states of residence. That's what I meant by my original post.
Florida non resident


There is some great info here but I was unable to find the florida packet on that site to apply to get a non-residence carry permit that would be reciprocal in GA. Can anybody send me the link please? And would that be what I need to carry in GA?

Thanks in advance..
I know that nonresidents can have fingerprints taken in FL by both methods, but how many nonresidents are actually filing their applications there? Most are mailing them in from their respective states of residence. That's what I meant by my original post.

I had my fingerprints done electronically at the Sheriff's office in Florida. At that time, they were diligent in making sure the electronic prints were legible and met the necessary standards. Additionally, they gave me a printed copy of the card, which they recommended I also send in with my application. No problem. If prints are taken outside of FL, they need to be on the print card. FYI, the Sheriff's office also told me to submit the application promptly, as the electronic fingerprints are only effective for 90 days, but if your app is received within 90 days, but it takes longer to process, that's OK since they are 'connected' to your app.

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