Non-resident permit in Texas?


New member
I'm a South Carolina resident and will shortly have my CC permit here. What would I have to do in order to obtain a non-resident permit in Texas? Any help here would be appreciated.
Try starting here...Texas Concealed Carry Permit Information I wonder though, do you need a TX permit? TX honors a SC permit. If you want to add states, I'd be going for a UT permit instead. It's cheaper and gets you 1 more state than a TX permit. Only downside is that you'd be looking at about a 4 month wait for UT. I don't know what the wait is for TX right now.
Get your NH non-resident permit. It gives you Ga, AL and MS plus several others. It went up to $100 1 July. No classes just fill out the application with a copy of you SC CWP and a check send it in and wait!:biggrin:.