Non-Res Renewal From NY


New member

It's quickly approaching my 12-month mark and I just discovered the changes in the non-res LTC process.

I'm hoping it's not as bad as I think.

I live in NY and visit MA several times per year, almost always at holiday times.

I've renewed my LTC for many years now (going through the hassle, paperwork and $100 each year).

I would continue to do so, but there's just no way I'm going to travel to Chelsea, MA just to interview and have my prints/photo taken.

Do they exempt existing license holders from doing this on renewal?

Is there any way to avoid having to go to Chelsea?

Can a stop at the MA state police satisfy the in-person thing?

This is so frustrating!



Anyone have any experience with non-resident renewals since the 8/2009 changeover?

And what goes on during the personal appearance? Is it an interview/examination regarding the justification, or simply a verification/identification of the person?


I am not to sure about how this will work. My grandfather is a NH resident and just received his non-res renewal. I will ask him if he needed to physically come down. You may be alright because you have had it for years. This process just might be for new permits. I think personally it is totall BS either way. Why do you HAVE to show up? Just another PRMA ploy to deter applicants. Hopefully we can get some change with this new election coming up for Senate

Guessing you got Link Removed for the renewal?

The 1st line of the 1st letter says "new and renewal applicants"...and then #4 says must appear in Chelsea.

Sucks really...I was going to apply myself until i read that requirement. I'm really not up there that often to even bother...:mad:
joesph quick question, do u have a regular class A. I am thinking about applying to MA since I am up here for school but I do not want to apply if they are going to place a restriction on it the same way as NYS does