Non Res Open Carry


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I live in NY but I travel to Philly and Pitt a lot for work. I am submitting my CCP for PA tomorrow, and am still in the waiting phase for my Utah CCP but I was wondering if I could Open Carry in Philly while I am there on business even though I am not a PA resident?
Not until you get either PA's License To Carry Firearms or UT's permit. In Philly you need a license to carry Open or Concealed.

18 Pa.C.S. § 6108: Carrying firearms on public streets or public property in Philadelphia
No person shall carry a firearm, rifle or shotgun at any time upon the public streets or upon any public property in a city of the first class unless:
(1) such person is licensed to carry a firearm; or
(2) such person is exempt from licensing under section 6106 of this title (relating to firearms not to be carried without a license).
I think if you open carry you will end up in deep trouble. Conceal properly. Don't forget, we have approx 70,000 open wants and warrants in this city, 1.6 million in the state. Welcome to the warmth of socilist Phila. Oh btw, if you are assaulted it is probably one of the many perps put out on parole by Rendells parole board; ask the families of the last six cops killed here-all parolees, averaging 25 convictions each.
Once you have your PA License to Carry Firearms you should be good to go. But I would keep it concealed in Philly. They're not firearm friendly there. In Pittsburgh you only have to deal with the occasional uninformed LEO, but I would still recommend keeping it concealed. Why tempt fate when you are far from home.
If you live in NY or NJ you can get a CCW non resident license from FL and VA and you can carry in PA. I am a resident of PA and licenced in PA but will as of this Saturday I will be taking classes and be certified to apply for FL non-resident licensing. Everyone here and in NJ is doing it because FL has like 36 state reciprocity.
They did this in FL because there was a lot of muggings in FL of the tourists and they were staying away, so FL took this action. Plus from here to FL I think the only state I will mot be able to carry is MD.
I don't know if its the entire country but giving people homes that could not afford them caused the sububurbs to be more dangerous than the city. All my detective friends in the burbs say business is more brisk now.
I forgot to post on this thread but I got my Non-Res CCP in PA a few weeks back. It took 11 days from the time I dropped the application in the mail for me to get it back.
If you live in NY or NJ you can get a CCW non resident license from FL and VA and you can carry in PA. I am a resident of PA and licenced in PA but will as of this Saturday I will be taking classes and be certified to apply for FL non-resident licensing. Everyone here and in NJ is doing it because FL has like 36 state reciprocity.
They did this in FL because there was a lot of muggings in FL of the tourists and they were staying away, so FL took this action. Plus from here to FL I think the only state I will mot be able to carry is MD.
I don't know if its the entire country but giving people homes that could not afford them caused the sububurbs to be more dangerous than the city. All my detective friends in the burbs say business is more brisk now.

...and SC. SC accepts FL but only resident FL.
With a Florida Non-Resident you can currently carry in 31 states. You cannot carry in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, South Carolina. There you must possess the Florida Resident Permit.
With a Florida Non-Resident you can currently carry in 31 states. You cannot carry in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, South Carolina. There you must possess the Florida Resident Permit.

You must be a resident of Florida to carry in those states; the license itself is the same for residents and non-residents. There is nothing that explicitly states that a license is non-resident; it only lists your home address.

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