No-permit carry in CO a possibility?


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Anyone have any more info? Cause this would be awesome!
I was put up a couple of years back and never made it out of committee. When I was stationed at Ft. Carson the Sheriff of El Paso County (Maketta?) was very much in favor of the idea. Don’t think it will fly unless there’s a big change in the 2014 Colorado Statehouse and Chickenlooper is defeated
That's a shame. I'm ok because Co recognizes Utah's permit if you are a Utah resident. I wonder if the recent shakekup of some major anti gun legislators will help?
Won't happen. Here in Colorado, we are more interested in gay marriage rights, smoking weed, banning oil, letting death row inmates off the hook, giving drivers licenses to illegals and providing illegals instate tuition. Basically liberal social issues and the nanny state.
Never say never. I wouldn't be surprised if this state takes a swing to the right in 2014 and 2016. Not that I think getting a bill like this passed is likely, but with the right reps, it's not impossible.

I always thought Colorado had a fairly strong libertarian current. This current went with the Dems because they supported legalization of cannabis. However, I think many who supported this are now perturbed by the Dems' assault against basic gun rights (not to mention Obamacare) and are ready to vote differently. My hope is that in the least some of the recent anti-gun measures will be repealed.
Doubt it. It always gets sent to the kill committee. Even the right side of the aisle doesn't want this to pass.

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Won't happen. Here in Colorado, we are more interested in gay marriage rights, smoking weed, banning oil, letting death row inmates off the hook, giving drivers licenses to illegals and providing illegals instate tuition. Basically liberal social issues and the nanny state.

Sad but true.
Oh, it's a possibility, all right. So long as the citizens of Colorado keep electing gun-hating Demoncraps into office, however, it's highly unlikely.
Update: Looks like our Representatives in the state legislature came through. :) We'll see what happens from here on out.
I was put up a couple of years back and never made it out of committee. When I was stationed at Ft. Carson the Sheriff of El Paso County (Maketta?) was very much in favor of the idea. Don’t think it will fly unless there’s a big change in the 2014 Colorado Statehouse and Chickenlooper is defeated

Change 2014 to 2018 and repost. The bill will die in the senate and if by some miracle it makes it to Hickenlooper he'll veto it.

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