I have NEVER seen a store with a sign proclaiming that guns are not allowed. I have not even seen them on banks or hospitals. Where do you have to live to see such things? I never even saw them in Kalifornia when I lived there. I currently live in Idaho.
I guess some threads will never go away,
what I ment was if someone was really worryed about a sign being on the door of a establishment he or she wanted to go into and you were not concerned about it being legal or not to carry in there, why would you give the sign a second thought...........and if a shop owner wants to put up a anti gun sign thats his right, we don't nessessarly have to do anything about itI really am not sure what this lead comment has to do with my initial observation. This thread was not supposed to be about if the signs were LEGAL or not or what we can or should do about them. It was an observation on my part on how I do not recall having ever seen one and where might one see them.
Also, some threads never go away because there will ALWAYS be new people (I would certainly hope) and most forum search features are crap.