No CCW At Movie Theatre


Staff member
I live pretty close to a local theater in Tampa and noticed this past time that they don't allow firearms. I haven't noticed that at any other theaters but am wondering if that is the norm? I wasn't carrying at the time and guess I could just leave it in the car. But I may venture out to other theaters to see if any are CCW friendly.

There was at least one

in the mall at Bellingham, WA that was posted. I just quit going to that one and went to another that had no visible signage.

I know you're trying to be a good law-abiding citizen and all that.. BUT...

I always carry when I'm away from my home...24/7...All they could do if you were 'busted' is ask you to leave their property.... the only place I never carry is in off limits State and Federal buildings, where you could indeed be in some trouble if discovered.

I sometimes attend theaters in our area, and am always armed when there. What they can't see, or don't know, they can do nothing about... It is afterall, about concealed carry.

So 'carry on' Sir!...the life you save might be mine!

I know you're trying to be a good law-abiding citizen and all that.. BUT...

I always carry when I'm away from my home...24/7...All they could do if you were 'busted' is ask you to leave their property.... the only place I never carry is in off limits State and Federal buildings, where you could indeed be in some trouble if discovered.


You better check your state laws on CT it specifically says you can't carry on school grounds, state and federal buildings, AND anywhere that bans weapons on their property.
That would require me to actually go to the movies... The last movie I saw in the theater was Firewall... if that tells you anything. I just can't see spending that much money on a movie, when I can just wait, and get the DVD... That's just me though. But that being said, I've not seen the sign on the theaters where I live, but hey - it's been a long time too...
I know you're trying to be a good law-abiding citizen and all that.. BUT...

I always carry when I'm away from my home...24/7...All they could do if you were 'busted' is ask you to leave their property.... the only place I never carry is in off limits State and Federal buildings, where you could indeed be in some trouble if discovered.

I sometimes attend theaters in our area, and am always armed when there. What they can't see, or don't know, they can do nothing about... It is afterall, about concealed carry.

So 'carry on' Sir!...the life you save might be mine!


But then if you had to use your weapon there for some reason, wouldn't you be at risk since you weren't supposed to have it? I'd rather find another theater.
You better check your state laws on CT it specifically says you can't carry on school grounds, state and federal buildings, AND anywhere that bans weapons on their property.

Well damn me! I forgot to mention school grounds...and yes, they are LEGALLY off limits... The FL stats regarding CCW come included with each and every CCW issued and will explain it all in detail...

However, where private property is concerned, there are no LEGAL limits to carry...unless the property owner or his agent asks you to leave, and you want to challenge, you could likely face a criminal trespass charge...if asked, JUST LEAVE...and don't return. Your money is most welcome at more reasonable places... Do you think a BG gives a sh*t about 'posted' business's?

Concealed is they gonna know if they never see it?

Those few of us left who are natives down here were sometimes heard to say ..."We don't give a damn how they do it up north!" Take note.

Is the sign new? many chain business leave things like that to the local manager of each store. you may have a sign from a new manager that thinks they are protecting people from the BG and not realizing their actually helping the BG.
A letter/e-mail to the main office may get you an answer confirming this and you could talk to the manager,maybe they will remove the sign. They don't always understand the sign will not stop the BG.
But then if you had to use your weapon there for some reason, wouldn't you be at risk since you weren't supposed to have it? I'd rather find another theater.

You're at a lot more risk, if you have to defend yourself, or a loved one, or even ME!...

Acquaint yourself with the law in our state regarding the use of deadly have every right to use such if truely and REASONABLY necessary... Wherever you're at at the time. What can a business/property owner do in retaliation to your doing so?...Not anything really...if you have violated no STATUATORY are even pretty much totally immune to being sued as an after-fact, if it's considered a 'rightious' shoot.

Good luck on going anywhere in that city unarmed...Hope the day never comes that you need it, and don't have it...

Thanks guys, I'm going to look into the law more on if I were to use my firearm in an area like a movie theater which states no firearms. I am planning on writing a letter to the theater management as well.
The only places I do not carry are my credit union (I quit banks 33 years ago), and public schools. You cannot carry there by law. I haven't had to go into any other government/public buildings since I got my CCP. I'm not interested in going to the clink and being some big dudes girlfriend, so I won't be carrying at any of them either.

As for the movies, I long ago began asking the question: Is it a big-screen movie, like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, or a dialogue movie? I would have really regretted seeing 2001-A Space Odyssey for the first time on the small tube without seeing in on the big screen first; Space is afterall, space! I for one am not worried about what happens in the movie theater, but rather what happens in the parking lot. This is prime BG territory. People in the parking lot are looking for their cars, managing packages, reliving the movie they just saw or bitching about the cost of the darn movie. They aren't giving any thoughts to their surroundings. Hence, when I go to the movie, I carry. 2 cents.
This is a catch 22 in a lot of states. In Nevada, the signs carry no legal weight and unless you are asked to leave and refuse, no law is being broken.

The flip side is, if you do have to use deadly force to protect yourself, you stand a good chance of looking like a law breaker to any jury because you choose to disregard the sign. I know, I know... no law was broken. Tell that to the jury! :D

The legal nightmare after a shooting incident can be horrible and can be very expensive. In 20/20 hindsight a person might well wish they had simply not gone in to a business in violation of such a sign.

So with that in mind, I will not go in businesses that post such signs. They obviously do not want my money anyway and I don't want to do anything that could help a prosecutor make 12 of my peers believe that I was in any way wrong or acted with poor judgment or motive.

That's just my opinion. ;)
Luke, when you go looking, look high and low..the movie theater here had a NO GUNS sign, but it's at the BOTTOM of the doors, just abt shoe lace level..I didn't spot them until we were exiting the building.
Luke, when you go looking, look high and low..the movie theater here had a NO GUNS sign, but it's at the BOTTOM of the doors, just abt shoe lace level..I didn't spot them until we were exiting the building.

I would say that is an illegal sign at the bottom of a door. Most all cities and towns have a certain height from the floor and size of lettering to be legal a notice.
From what I hear I can carry there anyway in Florida. All they could do is ask me to leave. The sign doesn't make it illegal.

Link Removed

[SIZE=-1](12) No license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm into any place of nuisance as defined in s. Link Removed; any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station; any detention facility, prison, or jail; any courthouse; any courtroom, except that nothing in this section would preclude a judge from carrying a concealed weapon or determining who will carry a concealed weapon in his or her courtroom; any polling place; any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district; any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof; any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms; any school administration building; any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose; any elementary or secondary school facility; any career center; any college or university facility unless the licensee is a registered student, employee, or faculty member of such college or university and the weapon is a stun gun or nonlethal electric weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and the weapon does not fire a dart or projectile; inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport, provided that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into the terminal, which firearm is encased for shipment for purposes of checking such firearm as baggage to be lawfully transported on any aircraft; or any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law. Any person who willfully violates any provision of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. Link Removed or s. Link Removed[/SIZE]
You would think that the laws here in AR would stipulate how a sign should be posted, all the law says is that it must be visible not less than 10 feet..doesnt say that it should be so high off the ground etc..yeah I know, it sux..

5-73-306. Prohibited places..

(19) (A) Any place at the discretion of the person or entity exercising control over the physical location of the place by placing at each entrance to the place a written notice clearly readable at a distance of not less than ten feet (10¢) that “carrying a handgun is prohibited”.

(B) (i) If the place does not have a roadway entrance, there shall be a written notice placed anywhere upon the premises of the place.

(ii) In addition to the requirement of subdivision (19)(B)(i) of this section, there shall be at least one (1) written notice posted within every three (3) acres of a place with no roadway entrance.

(C) A written notice as described in subdivision (19)(A) of this section is not required for a private home.

(D) Any licensee entering a private home shall notify the occupant that the licensee is carrying a concealed handgun

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