NIHL - Noise Induced Hearing Loss


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While doing some research I came across this information I think will be useful to shooters:
sensitive structures in our inner ear can be damaged, causing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). These sensitive structures, called hair cells, are small sensory cells in the inner ear that convert sound energy into electrical signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our hair cells cannot grow back.

Scientists once believed that the pure force of vibrations from loud sounds caused the damage to hair cells. Instead, recent studies have shown that exposure to harmful noise triggers the formation of molecules inside the ear that can damage or kill hair cells.

In a recent study, however, the antioxidants in salicylate (aspirin) and Trolox (vitamin E) were given to guinea pigs as long as three days after noise exposure and still significantly reduced hearing loss. These results suggest that there is a window of opportunity in which it is possible to rescue hearing from noise trauma. Scientists hope to begin clinical trials with humans with the goal of reducing NIHL.

The entire article can be found at the National Institute of Health. Link Removed
I've got it in my left ear, combined with Tinnitis <sp> . Went shooting with a buddy at his house back in 2000, and I just assumed he had earplugs. Nobody wore them. Ever since, my left ear has been constantly ringing. Not fun. USE YOUR EARS!
I thought it was common knowledge that any time you go shooting, you're supposed to wear hearing protection. Guess I was wrong.

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