NICS delay?


New member
I went to WalMart to buy a Remington 700 on Christmas Eve. Surprisingly, the NICS came back delayed. Never had this problem before.
Should I be concerned? or maybe they were just swamped on Christmas Eve? Maybe because I've bought 4 pistols in the last two months? Or maybe because they found out I tore one of those tags off a mattress a few years ago?
Hope this ain't gonna be a problem.
I went to WalMart to buy a Remington 700 on Christmas Eve. Surprisingly, the NICS came back delayed. Never had this problem before.
Should I be concerned? or maybe they were just swamped on Christmas Eve? Maybe because I've bought 4 pistols in the last two months? Or maybe because they found out I tore one of those tags off a mattress a few years ago?
Hope this ain't gonna be a problem.

What?! You bought four handguns in 2 months, and now you're trying to by a shotgun!?

You obviously are a suspected terrorist, and the BATFE is monitoring your activities. Nobody needs all those guns. :wacko:

Merry Christmas!!
What?! You bought four handguns in 2 months, and now you're trying to by a shotgun!?

You obviously are a suspected terrorist, and the BATFE is monitoring your activities. Nobody needs all those guns. :wacko:

Merry Christmas!!

After checking out the BATF website, I feel a little better. Since my last NICS check I got a NH and a VA and a FLA concealed weapons permit. They said that a background check from these agencies would flag me as an "inquiry" with the FBI, causing me to be reviewed at NICS to see if these inquiries were good or bad ones.

If it does comeback DENIED wonder what I'm going to do with all these guns I got! Maybe I'll have to check on the price of a barrel of cosmolene!


The inquiry could be the case, but also, if you are normally approved on the spot, and got delayed, it could be because they are swamped and on a skeleton crew for the holidays. I've seen it happen and talked to them about this when I worked in a gun shop.
Yup, it could be that there are not enuf Feds working the holiday week to process your background check. I wouldn't give it a second thought unless Wally World wouldn't give you a rain check and you had to pay more after Christmas! Then I'd be royally P.O.ed!
Yeah, I just got delayed Wed. and it seems to be about a 50/50 shot whether I get delayed or not. Seems like on weekends and after 5, delay...through the week before 5, no delay. I'm considering a personal I.D. number to get around the delays hopefully. Called the FBI a few months ago and they were supposed to send me the forms but I never got them. So I'm gonna call again and ask for the form again. I hope they send it out this time. Any others have a personal I.D. and how hard is it to get and does it indeed eliminate the delays?
If you bought two or more handguns from the same dealer within a five workday period then the dealer must send a multiple handgun purchase form to the BATF. I've heard that sometimes they will flag someone that has a multiple handgun purchase form on file.
re: delay

One year I went to buy a gun and was delayed 3 wks. A fellow with the same name had bought a gun the same week and they flagged me for some reason. All worked out. Apparently he had bought without his SS number and was OKd and they thought I was the same guy but used my social or some rediculous reason or another...
I got delayed a couple months back when I bought my Mossberg shotgun. The delay lasted less than 10 minutes. Maybe because I had bought a handgun a few weeks before??? Who knows.
I've bought a 22 pistol, a 9mm sub both new and a used 12ga from a pawn shop all in the last month and a half. I have not had any problems with any of the background checks
One thing that might have hung me up is I noticed as I was waiting and listening that even tho I provided my SSN on the 4473, the clerk didn't give it to the NICS person. I would imagine with a common last name like JONES, I am getting confused with a million-and-one crooks in NC.
I went to the sheriffs office today and got permits to purchase pistols (which requires a brady check) , so my Brady-check status is good.

Quite a busy day today in Wally World. Lots of customers at the sporting goods counter. We were expecting delays at the federal level. No delay at all. Was nice.