NH: Open carry graffiti removal?


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  • Sponsor: http://RidleyReport.com/Store - A very thoughtful e-mail from a new viewer in New Hampshire...proposes armed graffiti removal as a even better alternative to our reasonably successful litter pickups. This video was edited 1/4/09 and first uploaded around 1/6/09.

    Thanks also to http://commons.wikimedia.org - The Wikimedia Commons..... Without it the Ridley Report would have very few stills to work with!

    If... you wish to commission an ad like the one in this video, the cost as of 12/08 is three cents per video view. But views beyond the 1st week are free, your link in the video descrip is free, and the price... goes down 30% for orders over $100. Give me a shout through this site, or e-mail me: RidleyReport at... live period com

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