Newtown Starbucks Lands in Middle of Gun Rights Debate


Bulldog Pride
Here is a article about whats going on in Newtown CT. today. I wish I could attend my self! I appualed Starbucks for not caving!!
Newtown Starbucks Lands in Middle of Gun Rights Debate - Around Town - Newtown, CT Patch

Article puts Starbucks in the middle of the gun issue. How are they in the middle when they are only following the existing laws regarding firearms. Media hype to somehow make exercising a constitutional right, WRONG.
The citizens themselves made their town the political epicenter for gun control by using their children's deaths as a political tool right along with Obummer.
Went to Starbucks at 7am with my wife, oc my 1911. Met with 4 other oc'ers at a Starbucks in Boise this afternoon. Had a large Caramel Mocha Frappe! A good time was had by all!
Parents of those kids who were killed in Newtown should face charges of reckless child endangerment. After all, what did they expect, sending their kids into a school clearly marked 'Gun Free Zone' was the equivalent of taunting the unstable, 'here are our kids, come and get em'!
The anti-freedom crowd in WA tried this same do-do some time back and then gave in when Starbucks said we follow the law, don't bother us. It quickly became a non issue.
Went to Starbucks at 7am with my wife, oc my 1911. Met with 4 other oc'ers at a Starbucks in Boise this afternoon. Had a large Caramel Mocha Frappe! A good time was had by all!

I oc to caribou. Scares the "artists" that eat there. I'm not sure why though. One of them had a cellphone in a holster and he wasn't scared of it. Maybe my holster looks scary?
The people in Sandy Hook and particularly those who lost children have acted like a bunch of vultures hovering over the remains of the dead waiting for politicians and our dear king to finish eating so that they can have their chance to feast on the remains. They go to Congress as absolute dupes and stand before the king as absolute dupes--they were used then and now somehow feel they and all of Sandy Hook "owe" this country their twisted wisdom on the situation--they are all experts on guns and gun control. It seems to be a pattern in this country. We have survivor experts for every tragedy and they expand their supposed "knowledge" by getting into things they know little or nothing about except for their sorrow. I feel sorry for them but stop wearing your dead children on your vest as entry to everything. 9/11 survivors seem to show up at everything and argue among themselves from who got how much to how high the building would be. Every anniversary we have to stop this country because they are at the crash site or the shooting site or whereever. Of course we have the press who just love "it bleeds it leads" and follows these people around making them look more important than they really are--and when the press show up you know the politicians cannot be far away ready for the next big show based on the dead and buried. Callous? Hurtful? Too darn bad.
Had a large Caramel Mocha Frappe!
And then went home to watch fashion design shows on Bravo? :rolleyes:

Seriously though, when I read one of the quotes the author felt compelled to use I threw up in my mouth a little bit:
"It is disturbing to think that tomorrow night you and your children may be sitting in Starbucks when people carrying guns walk through the door."
in other news, this same person was reported as saying "omg! I went to the police station and THERE WERE GUNS EVERYWHERE!!!"
And then went home to watch fashion design shows on Bravo? :rolleyes:

Seriously though, when I read one of the quotes the author felt compelled to use I threw up in my mouth a little bit:

in other news, this same person was reported as saying "omg! I went to the police station and THERE WERE GUNS EVERYWHERE!!!"

NO FASHION DESIGN SHOWS FOR ME! (don't have cable. )

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