

New member
Hello folks. My name is Anthony. I just joined the forum today and also just got my VA CCW today.
Unfortunately I'm going to have to move to VA because NC doesn't recognize non-resident VA permits if the holder is a NC resident.
Welcome to the site!!

Just curious, what has kept you from getting an NC permit?

North Carolina is very strict about their stuff. Downright silly if you ask me.
Twenty years ago I owned a pistol and my friend stole it. I grabbed him to prevent him from leaving with my property and was convicted of misdemeanor assault. No problem, I paid my fine and went on with my life.
Most states have an expiry for a misdemeanor crime. Not North Carolina. If you were EVER convicted of any sort of crime other than a traffic offense, it's a "crime of violence" to them.
North Carolina is very strict about their stuff. Downright silly if you ask me.
Twenty years ago I owned a pistol and my friend stole it. I grabbed him to prevent him from leaving with my property and was convicted of misdemeanor assault. No problem, I paid my fine and went on with my life.
Most states have an expiry for a misdemeanor crime. Not North Carolina. If you were EVER convicted of any sort of crime other than a traffic offense, it's a "crime of violence" to them.

Seeing as how it was that long ago, it would be worth hiring an attorney and getting that record expunged. I would. By the way, you may want to check into the NH non-resident permit too...

Oh yeah, AL is the same way, they won't issue a CCW permit to anyone who has been convicted of any crime of violence.
Seeing as how it was that long ago, it would be worth hiring an attorney and getting that record expunged. I would. By the way, you may want to check into the NH non-resident permit too...

Oh yeah, AL is the same way, they won't issue a CCW permit to anyone who has been convicted of any crime of violence.

What what I've read about it, they won't expunge it unless you were found not guilty, Deferred Adjudication, or were a minor. But I'm not sure.

Welcome to USA Carry and congrats on your ccw. Sorry to hear about The problems with your home state hopefully things can be worked out
Welcome to the forum, Anthony. It's usually free to talk to a lawyer. It's worth it just to find out your options.
Hello folks. My name is Anthony. I just joined the forum today and also just got my VA CCW today.
Unfortunately I'm going to have to move to VA because NC doesn't recognize non-resident VA permits if the holder is a NC resident.

"Hi there," from Moore county!!!