New Yorks gun laws--crazy or what?


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I recently moved from West Point, New York to Ft Leavenworth, Kansas. I had a permit to carry in NY, so I called the New York Orange County sheriff to let them know I moved so I could update the address on my NY permit to carry. The deputy told me that I was supposed to secure my handguns with the sheriff BEFORE I moved and they'd ship them to either the sheriff at my new location or a licensed firearms dealer. It is illegal for me to take them out of state on my own--but since I already did it he wasn't going to do anything about it. Has anyone ever heard of anything so outrageous before? Incidentally, the deputy "sounded" like he thought the law was BS, but was just doing his job.

After talking to the clerks that do the licenses, I just have to mail in my permit since I no longer reside in New York. Too easy. But still, this is crazy!
That's a new one. I've never heard of a sheriff shipping your handguns for you. And I never heard of it being illegal to take your handguns out of state on your own. I travel all over the NE with mine. Of course I'm licensed were I travel. Just another NY gun law mystery. Enjoy Kansas!
... so I called the New York Orange County sheriff to let them know I moved so I could update the address on my NY permit to carry.... I just have to mail in my permit since I no longer reside in New York...
So, do you get a new permit with a new address? Or are you officially no longer a NY permit holder?

BTW, that part about them having to ship your guns to your new residence sounds like a load of BS.
sounds to me like he was going to add to his collection, glad you didn't give up your guns.

some think they are the law and can do what ever.

don't look back, enjoy kansas.
NY State is a prime example of law and polcymakers who would rather see criminals possess firearms and not law abiding citizens.:mad:
So, do you get a new permit with a new address? Or are you officially no longer a NY permit holder?

I mailed in the permit today via certified mail. Cannot hold a NY permit living out of state unless you meet some odd exceptions, like living in PA but owning a business in NY.

No issues in sending it in. Will be glad to not deal with NY's gun laws anymore.

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